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Almost Time to Leave...

Almost Time to Leave...

April 24, 2001

I am getting so excited (okay, so I've been excited for months, LOL). I am leaving work in about 2 hours or so to meet Cory and then we are going to the airport together. I am really kinda nervous about that part, since I've never flown (well, I have, but I was a baby and since I don't remember it, it doesn't count, LOL). Everyone says I will love it, and maybe I will.. but my mom hates flying, so hopefully I am not like her in this manner.

I am so excited about seeing Jen, and about meeting Tonya... This is going to be such a great time for all 4 of us, and as you know we've really been looking forward to it. We have such nice things planned for while we are there too. You should see my suitcase though... I kept saying.. hmmm, I might want to wear this, or maybe this for when we do this... so I've got enough clothes for a month, LOL.. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit... but not much, LOL. Stephen was going to carry my luggage to the car this morning and I told him... noooo, I have to be sure I can handle it, let me do it alone.. man it's heavy, LOL. I should have let him do it.

I can't believe that after all the counting down that we've done in the past few months, that it's already time to go. In some ways it seems like it took forever to get here, but mostly it seems like the time has just flown by, and here we are. I was telling Stephen, that before it was just something that we were going to do someday, and now, here we are, ready to go. I am sooooo going to miss him though. I was crying all night about that. I am such a baby, I get homesick sooooo easily! But I am so glad that we have this opportunity, and so is he.

I am especially glad that Cory is going too. I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me that Jim trusts me enough to let her go with me. It is such a great feeling. I can't even imagine doing this without her right now, we've really planned it all together, and have looked forward to it together... I just know we are all going to have such a wonderful time.

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