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We Are Here!!

We Are Here...

April 26, 2001

Well we made it to Virginia in one piece, giggle. Actually, for as nervous as I had been about the flying part all week, I was fine once I got to the airport. I did have a few moments where I would wonder what I got myself into, but it wasn't half as bad as I expected it to be. Once we got on the plane, I was okay. The take off was smooth and not what I expected, and even the landing wasnt bad at all. I didn't like turbulance all that much, but then again, who does. Cory was so wonderful, and really did everything that she could to make it easier on me. I am so very glad that we were able to do this together. It was something I will always remember. All in all it was a good experience, and now I can consider myself a flyer, giggle. I told Stephen on the phone last night, okay, we can go to Vegas in October, I don't mind flying, LOL.

Jen's house is very nice, and very much what I pictured in my head. I still can't believe that this is the first time that I am seeing it. The last time I visited her, she was still living in North Carolina. Wow, it's been a while. I am soooooo glad to spend this time with her. And Tonya is just such a cutie. So cheerful and sweet and cute as can be. Exactly how I thought she would be. She was able to come with Jen to pick us up at the airport and that was wonderful. I was sooooo happy to see her, so happy to see Jen.. so happy to be here.

We are having a wonderful time so far, all though we havn't been here even 12 hours yet.. LOL. Cory and I even jumped on the trampoline last night, really late... laughing and screaming. I bet that their neighbors just love us. They took lots of pictures of that, can't wait to see how goofy we looked. We've already taken so many pictures... at the airport, on the trampoline, just sitting around. It's been a blast. We gave Jen the gifts that we had gotten for her, and she loved them. I bought her an outfit because she said that she's never worn capri's... so I went and got her a pair and they look so adorable on her. We also gave Cory and Tonya the gifts that we got them for their birthdays. We were going to wait until Saturday, but man if I had patience, I would be in luck. I can never wait, so I talked Jen into giving them to them last night. They were so excited, but I was even more so. We forgot to take pictures of that though, dang!

Well it's early, but I got up with Jen, so I thought that since it was so early that I could at least write in here, so that I would remember all the little things. Cory is still sleeping, but that's a good thing since she tells me that she is a monster in the morning if she doesn't get to sleep in. Let her sleep, that's my vote, giggle. Today we are going to go sight seeing, and have a yummy Turkey dinner. You know, just like for Thanksgiving. Jen makes this awesome cranberry salad that I cannot wait to have. Oh yummy yummy yummy. Jen is already starting to make the turkey and stuffing and it just smells so dang good. This is already such a wonderful trip... I am having the best time...

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