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A Rainy Day

A Rainy Day...

April 27, 2002

I woke up early this morning ::grumbling:: and couldn't fall back to sleep because I am still having a lot of pain from this stupid UTI ::grumbling even louder:: So I read for a while, and then sewed a little bit, and stuff like that and then Cory called. She and I had talked about going swimming today, but honestly, I couldn't see myself doing that.. I really was miserable. It was such a rainy icky morning so far too, and I really just didn't want to.. I don't think she did either, so when she suggested meeting to shop instead, I was all for it.

What a great idea Cor!! I had such a wonderful time, despite the rain and gloom. We met at the scrapbook store and browsed there for a while, and then we went to Kohl's to look for a dress for me for tomorrow. We both picked out some stuff to try on, and that was a lot of fun. We both were able to fit into smaller sizes than previously, and the dress I ended up getting is a size 18. It isn't even tight or anything! I was so excited about that. Cory helped me pick out a cute dress, and I like it. We each got a few new t-shirts, and I got a few gifts for Katelyn, so it was a productive shopping trip. We were laughing when we realized that this was really the first time we shopped like this together. It was fun, and I am sure it will not be the last time (smile).

We were going to call it a day after that, but neither of us were really ready to.. so we stopped to eat. We shared some yummy appetizers and slurged with dessert, yum. Then we went over to visit Sherry at work for a while. I am glad we did that.. it was nice to see her, as I haven't in a while.. and we were able to get her to mark down couples night dates on her schedule at work, so now she has no excuse, lol.

After Cory and I left.. I headed home, but had a few stops to make... I wanted to get new shoes for tomorrow, and they were having a sale, so I got 2 pairs of shoes, a new purse and a pair fo shoes for Stephen, all under 40 bucks. Wow, that was great. I went to pick up some stuff at Walgreens as well, and then to the grocery store to get the stuff to make pasta salad for tomorrow. They had watermelons on sale too, so guess what I had for dinner, yum. I made it home just in time for the Wolves to start, so I sat down with Stephen to watch that ::grumbling again:: Hey, I've seen the Wolves come back from worse, so I am not worried yet.. really I am not, giggle.

Now it's time to head to bed. I never did go finish that costume... but I only have to do the sleeves and hem it, so that won't take me too long, so I can do that before bed tomorrow night. I would do it now, but I just don't want to! We have to be up early tomorrow morning so we can get out of here by 8 to pick up Stephen's parents. Hope the weather isn't too bad.. too long of a drive for icky weather. No more Rain!!!

Daily Tidbits

  1. I showed Cory the dress that I want for Florida, and tried it on again.. it wasn't as tight as it was last time, and Cory said it looked cute on me, hehe.. I hope it fits for Florida!!
  2. Shadow has been in a really playful mood tonight, and she crawled into my lap and was sitting under the covers with her arms over, so Stephen grabbed the camera because he said we looked cute, hehe, awww.. so that's the pic of the day.
  3. When I was headed out to meet Cory, and I stopped to pay a toll.. the guy working in the tollbooth told me that I am beautiful ::blush::.. been a long time since I've heard that from someone other that Stephen or my parents.. giggle. It made me feel nice.
  4. Half-way done with the bitch pills.. yay.. except that when I am done with them, I will get the period from hell.. so why am I wanted to rush to that??? Good question!!
  5. We got a thank you card from Joey's family today :( ... it made Stephen feel sad.. I saw him put it in his drawer where he keeps his special stuff. He is doing good with it all, but a lot I see him sitting there with a far away look on his face and I know what he is thinking about. I know it will be that way for a long time for a lot of people... life may go on, but it is never quite the same.
  6. Oh yah, 43 days!

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