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Virginia Beach and *The Cabin* Today

Virginia Beach and *The Cabin* Today...

April 28, 2001

Today we are going to Virginia Beach and then tonight we are spending the night at the cabin that Don rented for us girls. Jen and Tonya got us T-bone steaks and huge potatoes for tonight... and we ordered a cake for Cory and Tonya, because we are going to celebrate their birthdays (They don't know that part yet). Tonya's recently passed, and Cory's is in a few days, and we (Jen and I) really wanted to remind them how much we love them (an awww moment, hehe). We did have presents for each of them as well... but miss impatient that I am, talked Jen into giving them to them on Wednesday night. I didn't even make it a few hours, LOL. Hey, I didn't tell them before we got here to Virginia, so that is a big improvement! Can't expect miracles, now can we?

So yesterday we spent the wholllleeee day at Busch Gardens!!! We had the very best time, especially Cory and I. Busch Gardens was awesome, sooooo very different from Great America. It was so beautiful and the rides were great great great. We did it so nicely too, because we just took our time, and enjoyed the day and each other. The weather was so beautiful, and so was the company. We rode all the major roller coasters and they were so so so scary and great, and then Cory and I even had fun on some smaller rides. We laughed so hard, screamed so loud and just had a great day. The only downer part for me, was that I got sick. I had gone on the swings with Tonya because noone else wanted to, but I knew I would pay for it... they always make me feel soooooo sick. Then we went right on a big roller coaster (and there were hardly any lines all day, so I do mean right on, LOL). By the time we got off, I just couldn't hold it, and I did end up throwing up. EWWWW, I hate throwing up sooooooo much. Cory and Tonya went back on the roller coaster while Jen and I just sat, and that gave me a chance to calm down a little bit, so that was a good thing. After that, I was feeling better, so we went and ate lunch, and that also helped a lot. We had a great lunch, and Cory was so nice and paid for lunch. Then we were off for more fun and rides. We all had our hair wrapped, and they look sooooo adorable. Mine took forever since it is so long, and it cost me a small fortune, but I am glad I did it. I got a little butterfly charm on the bottom of mine, and it just looks so cute. I am wearing my white capris and my blue butterfly shirt to the beach today, so the butterfly in my hair is going to look so cute, hehe.

Jen is making an awesome breakfast right now... mmmmmm, yummmmm, and then we are off for another wonderful day of fun. This is really turning out to be the best vacation. Cory is really enjoying it too, which is great. Jen is awesome as usual, and Tonya is just so dang cute and sweet.. you just want to hug her all the time. I have the greatest friends... I am so lucky!

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