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A Blond Moment
04-30-2003, 9:06 p.m.

I am such a mess! I am falling apart, and it's not even funny anymore. Maybe it's because I have my period and I am so emotional, or maybe because I have really looked forward to looking *good* at this wedding, but nothing is going right, and ugh, it's a mess. I have these cold sores on my lips. Okay, they are getting better, and this medicine has helped a lot. Based on yesterday, these things had the potential to take over my face, literally. I had 4 blisters going, and two more starting, but I faithfully kept up with the gunk, and by this morning, I was down to 2 blisters.. Granted they are pretty bad, but they are no where near as bad as they could have been, and one is in the middle of my lip, and you can barely see it, so only one is really too bad and even that is starting to look a little bit better. We will see what happens tomorrow. There you go, a whole paragraph on cold sores, and you thought it couldn't be done.

Next, I have a pimple on my chin. Now I am past the age where I should be worrying about pimples, but sure enough, stress is enough to make my face pop out in all sorts of horrible things. Think I would do the smart thing, and leave it alone? Hell now, I have to keep messing with it over and over and over until it's basically a sore. What am I, insane? Sometimes I don't even understand myself.

Even with all these things though, I was excited, because I had an appointment tonight to get my hair foiled, and the color touched up. That always makes me feel better and look better.. and even though my regular hairdresser is on vacation, this guy comes highly recommended! By who, is what I want to know! Nice enough guy, yah, very nice... but I don't think he understood me. Maybe I said it wrong, but I think "I would like some highlights, a little more blond than the ones I have now" is pretty self explanatory. So imagine my surprise, when I get home and dry my hair all the way to find out, I am pretty much blond! Blond, with darker hightlights underneath!! Oh my gosh! Stephen likes it, cause I was blond when we got married, and it reminds him of that, but blond? I am again, past the age where I want to go there. It looks great in the back, where he put a lot less highlights, but the front is really basically blond. Now maybe it will look better in a few days, but tonight I want to cry.

I will say one thing for him, he did recognize what I had been thinking too.. the chick who cut my hair last week was nuts, and she didn't do a very good job. He fixed that for me, and it really only took a little bit.. he had to work on the layers a little, and add some layers... but it really lays so much better now, and I am thrilled with that. That is about the only thing saving his life tonight.

I would take a picture and show ya, but I went to work out, and now my hair is all sweaty and messy, and that along with half blond is .. enough to make me cry. I told you, I am a mess! I hope tomorrow is much better.. hell, it can't be worse. Now they are putting warnings up on the TV, because we are in a severe thunderstorm watch, so I guess it's time to turn the computer off, and go cry about my blond hair. Maybe the electricity will go out, and I will be forced to stop staring at it... or maybe it will look better by candlelight, hehe.

Oh and on a last note..when I got to the gym, the girl that works there, that I really like, Sherry.. noticed my hair right away and said it looks great... hah, she went down in my opinion a little tonight, hehe. At least I am having lunch tomorrow with Jen and Tricia.. Neither of them will lie to make me feel better! They are people who tell you the truth no matter what, so I know they will tell me the truth about this.. that's a good thing, right?

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