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20 Questions
05-01-2003, 8:33 a.m.

Twenty Questions - Wednesday 30th April 2003 - Mixture

1. What's the toiletry product you wouldn't be without? That would be my bath and body works shower gel and matching lotion. The scent varies from day to day, but I always use one or another of them.

2. Do you take vitamins? If so which ones? I take a multi-vitamin, as well as a calcium vitamin.

3. What do you do if you can't sleep? It depends on the reason why I can't sleep. I will watch TV or read, unless I have a migraine (which is often why I can't sleep, when I can't sleep) in which case, I lay on the couch and cry with cold wet rags on my head.

4. If you're ill, is there a 'comfort food' you like to have? Chicken soup!

5. Which childhood illnesses did you have ( e.g. measles )? I had German Measles.. my freshman year in high school. I was so mad too because I couldn't go to school all week, so they were not going to allow me to attend my first dance, but my parents talked to the school, and since I was going back to school that Monday, they made an exception and let me go.

6. Have you ever taken a sick day from work when you weren't ill? Oh, of course... who hasn't?

7. Have you ever broken a bone? Never, but the way my luck is going lately, I am sure that it is a possibility.

8. Do you trust 'alternative' remedies? Again, it would depend... I guess sometimes, but working in a medical setting as I do, you tend to hear a lot of negative stuff on alternative remedies, which then clouds your feelings on them. I am not against people trying them though, hey whatever works, right.

9. What career did you want to have when you were a child? I wanted to be a mom.

10. What religion are you? Catholic

11. Is there a luxury item you'd like for your house? A carpet cleaner (rug shampooer)

12. What's the latest computer program you bought? Zoo Tycoon

13. What's the last book you bought? Been going to the library mostly, so I can't think of one that I've bought recently. I read so much that the library is a godsend. I am currently reading Danielle Steel's new one, The Dating Game.

14. What would be your ideal day out? There are so many ideal days... I love days with my honey, especially when we have the girls, no matter what we are doing. And I love days out with my friends too...

15. Do you vote? If so, which party? I do vote, every time... and I wouldn't say that I vote a party, I vote the candidate, and often vote a mismatch of parties.

16. How many meals do you eat a day? Three, although I would eat more if I could. I love food. It's a true love/hate relationship there.

17. Which drink do you drink most often? Water... water and more water...somedays I think I might just float away.

18. What sort of cola do you prefer ( e.g. Pepsi )? I am so not a cola drinker... now my husband, he drinks 2-3 cases of cola a week and it doesn't matter what kind, from generic to Pepsi, whatever is on sale is good for him. If I am going to have a soda, it is usually sprite.

19. When were you last ill? What with? Hmm, I had a sorta flu bug last week, sick to my stomach and such. Even went home sick from work one day, and that was a real one, not a mental health one, hehe.

20. Do you take any medication regularly? If so what? Nope, none.

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