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05-01-2003, 10:27 p.m.

Well, although I hoped that my feelings would change overnight, I still hated my hair this morning. I mean, it did look a little better fixed nicely, but it just wasn't me. It was much too blond, on the verge of being white... and according to Jen, green, although I didn't see the green, I think that she was looking at the walls of the restaurant, hehe. I was miserable though, and even though a lot of people told me today that they liked it, the fact is, I didn't. I just did not feel comfortable with it, and so I did something that is so very not in character for myself..

I called to complain! Yes, me! Now, it's not something that happens often, because I am so not a complainer, but I just hated it THAT much. I talked to the owner and she was wonderful about it all, and asked me to come in tonight to let her look at it. Now, I have to tell you, I almost didn't go. My stomach was in knots over the whole thing, which is something that some people might not understand, but complaining is just something I don't do. I don't return things, I don't tell people when I am unhappy with something... I usually just suck it up and deal with it.

So I get there, and I see Mark right away, and I was hoping that he wouldn't be there. I was so uncomfortable at first, in fact, I was pretty close to being in tears again (damn those 'motionals anyway), but then Lynn called me over, and she took one look at me, and said, oh sweetie, I am sooooo sorry, how did we let you out of here like this? She even said my hair was white, and that it just wasn't right. She decided to put a toner on it to darken it up some, and so while the highlights are still there, it is back to it's honey-ish color, a color that I am much more suited for.. and it looks wonderful now. I really am so happy that I went, and I love my hair once again, it really looks great!

Mark came over to talk to me, as they were putting the toner on. My heart was pounding and I was expecting him to be upset, as in mad (know how you argue with yourself, all sure that you know exactly how someome is feeling, or what not), but he was totally and completely upset with himself, not me, that he didn't check my hair and see that it was such a wrong color. He apologized up and down, and I could tell that he really meant it. I hope I made him feel better, because I never wanted him to feel bad, and I told him that. It wasn't him, it was me.

I will say one thing, if I loved this place before, I love it even more now. They made me feel wonderful tonight, so very pampered.. and they did a lot of extra things like a deep conditioner and a scalp massage. She went over my cut even better, and really made that look even more nice. And they were so sincerely glad that I came back, and so glad to help me. Noone made me feel like I was wrong for complaining, and actually, she said... "Even if I thought the color was great, I want YOU to be happy, but the fact is, the color was NOT great, and it needed to be fixed, and I sincerely apologize"... she told me that she had hoped Mark would be gone by the time I got there (I had hoped so too), but that she was so glad that he was still there after she saw the color, because she wants him to learn from his mistake. I am glad he was there too now, because I feel better about the whole thing.

I did learn one thing... I am making sure I make my appointments early enough in advance to know when Nicki will not be there. I love the way she does my hair, and I love this salon and I want to keep going there. I am glad that this experience did not ruin that for me, it had the potential to ruin it, but they treated me so well, that I would never dream of going elsewhere now.. they made a loyal customer out of me tonight, even more so than I already was.

In other news, I had a wonderful lunch today with Tricia and Jen. We went to Sweet Tomatoes, which is so a favorite... yum yum yum. I had made a deal with Tricia, that if she did all her exercise minutes last week, that I would buy her lunch, and that was so a deal that I was glad to keep. I am so proud of her, she is doing so well with her better me stuff... she looks fantastic too! My lunches with them usually fly by and today was no exception. I wish that I had more time to sit and gab... I enjoy it so.

Okay, I am off to pack my stuff up for tomorrow... turns out that Stephen can't take half the day off afterall, eek.. so we are taking our stuff with us to work, I will have to shower and change there.. man, I really wanted to come home and get ready.. but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way... bummer. Maybe though, that is working out for the best.. hehe, cause now I will not be able to chicken out of wearing my new dress tomorrow.. since it's the only one I am taking with me, and I won't have anything else to change into at the last minute, hehe. I am really excited about wearing it...excited but nervous. Gotta remember to pack the camera... in fact, I will do that first.

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