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Beautiful Night
05-02-2003, 11:04 p.m.

The wedding was beautiful, and fun, and I am so glad that we went. Amy looked radiant and happy as did Sean. They make a beautiful couple, and I know that they will be very happy together.

I worked out a little bit at work, before I had to get ready for the wedding... and it took me a little longer to get ready than I anticipated, but Stephen said that it was worth the wait as he kept telling me that I looked beautiful. We were still there on time, and we had fun standing around talking to some of our co-workers. We got seated at the table with some of the students that were invited, and it was cute, because everyone kept teasing us that we got seated at the kiddie table, but it was a lot of fun. These are students that we know pretty well, because they do research in some of our labs, so it's not like it was people we didn't know, and we were at the table next to the rest of Stephen's department.

Dinner was so yummy, and we stayed to dance for a while afterward. Eventually everyone started leaving, so we did as well, and we got home not so long ago. It was a very wonderful evening, one I enjoyed very much.

I got so many compliments on my dress.. even from people I didn't know! Great Dress, a few people said, hehe.. But the reaction of my co-workers was exactly what I had hoped for. At one point I walked up behind Stephen's boss to tell her how great she looked, and she didn't see me coming, and I overheard her say to a co-worker... gosh, doesn't Vicki just look so beautiful.. awww, sniff sniff.. she even repeated it to me when she saw me. And another co-workers wife kept going on and on about how perfectly everything matched. She thought that for sure it was a set.. the dress, shawl and necklace even, because the beading is all so much the same... she said that she would never be able to put things together like that and couldn't believe it when Stephen told her that I didn't buy a single piece of it at the same time. I am so glad that it came together so well.. but even more.. I felt good.. I felt beautiful and sexy and very feminine.. a feeling that I have not have often in my life. I was not self-consious about the dress at all... not one bit... I did totally love having the shawl though... some because it was just comforting and some because it was chilly. I can't wait to wear my dress again in Vegas... it's just so perfect.

Oh, and my lip and chin didn't look quite as bad covered in make up. I would have preferred not to have to worry about any of that, but it wasn't as bad as I feared it would be.. plus it was pretty dark in the room, hehe, which always helps. What a wonderful wonderful evening. Thank you for all your support and opinions and really for just listening to me while about every little thing up to this point. It was worth it... well for me at least, I leave you to your own opinions, hehe. And here are some pictures as well.

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