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First Communions
05-03-2003, 9:29 p.m.

First of all, I would like to send out the happiest of birthday wishes to my dear wonderful friend, Cory! Happy Birthday Pokey.. I love you, and hope your birthday is wonderful. Just like you.

Today has been a busy busy day, or rather it has been a busy busy weekend so far, and it's going to continue to be so.

We got up this morning, and had to hurry to get ready so that we could pick Stephen's parents up to take them to the church for Timmy's 1st communion. Stephen's mom was serving communion, so she had to be there early. They have redone the church in the past few months, and it's so beautiful, and it was so neat to see it all decorated for the first communion. Timmy looked so handsome in his new suit, and the communion was wonderful.

We all went over to Gerald and Michelles for cake and coffee, and a little family time. Timmy's big party is at the end of the month (Michelle pushed Timmy's back, since Jonathon's is tomorrow, and they didn't want to overwhelm the extended family (cousins and all that stuff) 2 days in a row).

We didn't stay very long, because I had to get into work for a couple of hours. Stephen and I should have taken both of our cars over there this morning, because I felt bad that he had to go home with me, but we didn't think about that this morning, and after we got home, he didn't seem to mind so much. I worked for a couple of hours, then came home and shopped for a little bit, hehe. Now, I am getting ready to do some of the work that I brought home to do. I really don't so much feel like doing it, but tomorrow we have to go to Wisconsin for Jonathon's first communion, so I know I won't have very much time for anything tomorrow. As Jen pointed out earlier.. that is what I get for being so close to our families, hehe. I love it. No, really, I do, giggle.

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