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First Communion Take Two
05-04-2003, 8:45 p.m.

Today was Jonathon's first communion, and we drove out to Wisconsin with Stephen's parents and Dee. I like that we do that, we have a good time together. I guess that Katelyn wasn't feeling so great, so they really hoped that one of us would skip the church, and stay home with her, and since Dee drove, I told them to just drop me off there. I was sorry to miss the first communion, but I am not sorry that I got a couple of hours with Katelyn.. those hours are always pure quality time too. By the time everyone else got back, she was pretty attached to me, and wanted to be by me most of the rest of the day...she would go wander and play for a little bit, but always ended up back by me. When we were getting ready to leave, she was screaming, she didn't want me to go. It was sweet, and I am glad that I got that time with her today. She would even cry for me when her mom and dad were holding her, and they teased that I was just going to have to spend the night, hehe.

The party was really nice, and we stayed longer than we planned on. Sometimes it is just so nice spending time with family, and the time just goes by so quickly. I am so lucky to have such great families that I care about so very much. Whenever I hear people complain about thier in-laws, I am always so thankful for what I have in my life. I know that I am blessed, and I hope to never take that for granted.

This is going to be a lonnnnnggg week for us, starting tomorrow, when we have to be in early for exams. Then Finals are next week, so I have to get ready for that on top of all the stuff I need to get done this week. I told Stephen that he should drive seperately from me this week if he doesn't want to spend so much time at work, but I have a feeling that I am going to be getting lots and lots of OT this week.. I am not complaining though, Vegas is in 19 days, hehe!! Yippeeee!

Okay, it is storming really bad, again! I am going to get off the computer, because of the heavy lightening. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Oh and Happy Day After your Birthday Cory!

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