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May Flowers

May Flowers...

May 01, 2001

Can you believe that May is already here? This year has been going so quickly. Like the trip to VA.. we planned it for so long, and now it's come and gone. It's so amazing. This week is going sooooooo slow though, LOL... probably because I've been so dang busy at work. It's only going to get worse too for the next few weeks, but at least I have some relief in sight, our classes end in the 3rd week of May, and once I have grades finished, I won't have any class stuff to do for the whole summer, woo hoo. This is going to be a fun summer too. We have lots of fun stuff planned. It's going to go so quickly though, if it's anything like the beginning of this year went.

I've been writing in my journal in the evenings the past few nights, because I am so busy at work. It's funny because all day long I think of things I want to write about, and then comes the evening and I so don't even want to write. But I don't want to not write either, so I come here and I end up writing about nothing, LOL.. Go figure. At least I feel good that I did write.

The weather is so beautiful out. Stephen mowed the lawn while I was gone and it really looks nice, so green. He really takes good care of the yard, and enjoys doing it. My only job is planting the flowers, and now that it is May, I need to be doing that. We have so much stuff planned for this weekend already, but maybe I will plant my flowers early next week. I always love the way it looks with flowers everywhere, but I am not much of a planter, LOL. Oh well, gotta do one to get the other, right?

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