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100th Entry

100th Entry...

May 02, 2001

I was archiving my April Entries today, when I checked out my buddy list and saw that I had 99 entries total, which would make this one the 100th entry. Wow, it feels like just yesterday that I started this journal, and here I already am up to 100 entries. I like looking back at them and seeing how I was feeling or what I was thinking on other days. I am glad that I started this journal, and glad that I am going strong with it. My TTC journal has been neglected a lot lately, but I don't think that it has anything to do with this one, but rather because I haven't been thinking much about TTC stuff lately. I can't even tell you how nice it is. I know that eventually I am going to want to start again, because I still do want a baby more than anything else, but for now, it's been peaceful and nice. I like being able to enjoy things without worrying about how it will affect our TTC efforts. I mostly like enjoying sex for the sake of having sex, and not because the timing is right. A girl could get used to that, giggle.

I cannot believe that it's already been a week since we left for VA. We had so much fun while we were there, and it ways it seems like it was so long ago, but in other ways it doesn't seem like it should be over yet. I miss Jen so much already, but at least I know she is coming here in July. I just wish that she lived close enough to visit on weekends or something, ya know. Speaking of our VA trip, I have added some pictures to my website (Virginia Trip Pictures). I love looking at them over and over again. We just had the best time, and I think that it is so evident in the pictures just how happy we all were. I can't wait to pick up my pictures tomorrow. They might even be ready tonight, I will have to check, I am anxious to see how great they are. I am planning on doing a whole scrapbook from just this trip. I bet that it's going to be beautiful, and something that I will enjoy looking at for a long time.

Speaking of scrapbooking, I haven't done any pages in over 2 weeks now, I better get moving on it, I was finally starting to catch up a little, and now I am going to be way behind again. Oh well, one of these days I will be totally caught up, and then what will I do with myself. Ah, I will think of something, LOL. Actually, I find that I work on my scrapbooks a lot more in the winter. Maybe because there is so much more stuff that I have to do and want to do when it is nicer outside. Good thing I like being busy...

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