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Happy Birthday Cory

Happy Birthday Cory...

May 03, 2001

Happy Birthday Dear Cory (smile). I hope that you had a wonderful birthday and that it was as special as you are to me. I really hope that I was able to make it a little more special for you, you deserve that and more.

Today has been a nice day. I was a little busy at work, okay a lot busy, but I still found the time to bombard Cory's email box with birthday greetings. I hope it made her laugh and not mad (oops, LOL). I was even able to get my work done in the process, damn am I good!

After work, we went to Stephen's parents for dinner, which I really enjoyed. We have been going there every Thursday for about a month now, and I don't know who enjoys it more, them or us. I am so glad that we decided to try to make it over there once a week, I am sorry for all the time we have missed out with them by not doing it sooner. I mean, don't get me wrong, we spend a lot of time with Stephen's family anyway, with all the kids and all their birthdays and other holidays and activities, but this is nice. Just a very relaxing few hours, ya know.

On the way home we stopped to pick up my pictures from my trip. I looked at them during the commercials of Survivor, hehe, since I just barely made it home in time. They are so adorable and I love every last one. I told Stephen, as I was separating them, look at us, you can just see how great of a time we had. It really is so amazing to me just how perfect this trip was. I mean, I cannot think of a single bad moment the whole time. I will have wonderful memories of this for many years to come. I can't wait to start my scrapbook.

Survivor was great!!! I really like that show. Of course, I had to tape my other shows (Friends, Charmed and ER), so I have some catching up to do now, and a busy weekend, so when am I going to get to do it, I still haven't even watched last week's ER yet... LOL. Yah Yah, come summer when everything is in reruns I will complain about that too, right? The best part of survivor tonight is that Jen and I got to watch it together! How? Welllll, we called each other during each commercial and then we watched the final vote on the phone together. It was fun to have someone to watch it with, since I was a little jealous that everyone else I know was watching it with friends, and I was all alone. It was great to be able to watch it with Jen in this way. I do wish that I was able to go to Cory's tonight too, to celebrate her birthday with her and her friends, but I still had a great night.

After survivor, I cut Stephen's hair... Yup he trusted me, LOL, the dummy! Actually, it looks cute, and is an improvement as it was getting too long. We have a dinner to go to tomorrow night for work, so he really needed it done, and he tried to go this evening, but it was just too crowded, so I said I would do it (giggle, I am just glad it turned out alright).

Well it's late and I am off to bed...but not before I send a few more mental Happy Birthday's to Cory. Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!

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