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Employee Appreciation Dinner

Employee Appreciation Dinner...

May 04, 2001

Tonight is our Employee Appreciation Dinner. Usually it is held on campus, but for some reason they decided to make it more special this year, and hold it at a local hotel. I think that makes me want to go to it less somehow. When it is here on campus it is nice, but not as fancy. At the hotel it is semi-formal, and more rigid somehow. They are having a cocktail hour, then dinner, and then the program. They recognize the employees who are on 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years and such. Stephen and I both had our 10 year recognitions last year, but some of our friends/co-workers are being recognized tonight, so that is why we thought that we should go. I almost wish that we had decided not to. I am sure that we will have fun once we get there.

I am funny like that. There are lots of times where I don't want to do something, mostly when I am nervous about it for some reason, but once I get there I have a great time and am happy that I went. What is even funnier is that Stephen is exactly the same way. He complains all the time when I make plans for us, but then once he gets there he has such a good time, and thanks me later. Sometimes though, I hate having to fight with him to get him to do things. Sometimes I wish that I had married someone who was more social, and liked to do more. But most of the time I am just happy that he is who he is.

What a quiet day it's been. I am pretty busy, but have been getting thru everything so quickly. Maybe that's because I haven't been chatting with anyone. I haven't been able to log onto MSN today, so I can't chat with Cory, and Jen hasn't been around at all on AOL, so I can't chat with her either. I did get a very wonderful email from Cory today though, and I've had a permanent smile on my face since I read it. She really knows how to make me happy. Man, I am so thankful that she has come into my life. What a friend she has turned out to be. I am very fortunate to have the friends that I do have, and I hope they all know how much I appreciate them all.

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