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New Month, New Start

New Month, New Start...

May 01, 2002

Well, after blowing off my workouts for a few days (give me a break, I was sick), I jumped back on today. I had a wonderful workout, even if it was pretty hard, and I feel very good about doing so. I also started with my special goal for May, which is to drink at least 80 ounces of water a day. Today I drank 84 ounces, and boy was that hard as well. Water is so not my favorite thing in the world, but I know that it's important, and I am going to make this goal, even if it drowns me. I am serious, there is something so hard for me to drink water when I know that I have to. I don't get it... sometimes I love it and other's I can't stand it. Still, I know that if it is a goal, that I will work harder on it, and I am counting on that. I just need to get in a rhythm, and not leave too much for the end of the day, but yet not to do too much early either. It's hard, giggle.

Stephen was going to take me to the Wolves game tonight, but I have been spending some money on some other stuff, and so I told him that we didn't have to go. He kept saying we could.. but we are going to the Sox game on Saturday and we need money for that. Of course, I sat here listening to the game totally wishing I was there, but I know I made the right choice. I just wish I could go to Friday's game, but we have a dinner to go to for work. Stephen said that if they win this series (which they will) then we can go to at least 2 games the next series, yay. They won tonight!! WOO HOO, which means that they are now 2-2 and this is a whole new series! Let's go Wolves!!

I am feeling sore tonight, but I am feeling better. I am glad. I decided to sit down and work on my scrapbooks, since all I have been doing lately is laying around, reading or sleeping. I actually had some energy tonight, so I decided to use it. The only problem is that I have totally been lacking in the creativity department. For some reason, I sit down to work on my books and it just doesn't come to me, good ideas that is. I skipped forward to a page that I had ideas previously for, but even still it was hard getting the page going. Cory called while I was working on it, and she helped some. She made me think of how she sometimes uses stickers for little open spaces, and it gave me the idea to use punchies. So the page that I totally struggled with and was sure would come out looking horrible, actually ended up being pretty cute. Maybe this is what I need to move forward.. Maybe it's just the time of the year, I dunno. It's a new month though.. and a new start.. mostly with my getting back on track with my workouts and eating, but who knows maybe on my scappin too.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tricia decided to join us in our recipe swap. I am glad that she did, and I am looking forward to sending her recipes and getting some new ones from her.
  2. Delores called me today, just to talk. Wow! She doesn't do that very often, but lately she really seems alot more friendly to me. Maybe things are good in that. I am glad, and I enjoyed talking to her.
  3. Tomorrow is dinner night with the folks. I enjoy that a lot, and am looking forward to going.
  4. I have to be to work early tomorrow for a student who is taking our exam early. Which of course meant that I had to work hard today to have the exam ready, but as much work as it was, now I don't have to do it tomorrow and friday.. well except for copying it.
  5. Friday is our faculty/staff recognition dinner. We decided to go cause we thought that a lot of people would be going, but now it seems like a lot are not. But still some people from our departments are going to, so we are going to.. hey it's a good meal and dancing... maybe we will enjoy ourselves.
  6. Last year, we skipped out on the dinner to go to the Wolves game, giggle... but Stephen says we can't this year, because his boss is getting a recognition award, bummer. I so love playoff hockey.
  7. Oh yah, 43 days! And almost for real too!

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