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Happy Birthday Cory
05-03-2004, 9:18 p.m.

I could not let this day pass without an entry, full of wonderful birthday wishes to one my very best friends, Cory! Happy Birthday Cory!

I hope that your birthday has been wonderful, full of laugher and joy, everything that you could have wished for, and even more. I know how special this birthday is for you, your first as a mommy and all that, and I am sure that nothing could have made it less so. I am so thrilled, because this has been a really great year for you, and I really hope that it only continues to get better and better.

I really had such a great time with you on our weekend trip for your birthday. I hope you know how special that was to me (to all of us, I know), and how much I will always treasure those memories. I know that we have a lot of wonderful memories in our future too. I feel very fortunate for that. I look forward to all of them. I don�t know what I did to deserve you as a friend, but whatever it is, I hope I never un-do it. You are one of the most caring people I know. You are always there for me, no matter what, and that doesn�t go unnoticed. I thank you for all that you do, and I hope that I give you as much in return.

Happiest of Birthdays Pokey! I love you! I hope you know how special you are to me, and to the rest of us as well.

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