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A Nice Outing
05-04-2002, 11:42 p.m.

A Nice Outing...

May 04, 2002

Today was our outing for Cory's birthday, and we had a very nice time. I am so glad that I got to spend her birthday with her (well not the actual day, but to celebrate with her was fun).

It was a nice day all together. I got up early and read for a while, and then went shopping to get some stuff to make a cake, and I ended up going to Kohl's to look for a sox jersey for Cory. They didn't have any that she would like, so I ended up getting her a sox t-shirt (which she wore tonight, yay, thanks Cor) and then I ended up buying myself a new outfit, that I didn't even wear, which is a whole 'nother story! I had wanted to get a size 20 jeans, but when I tried them on they were too big. I bought a size 18, which fit and look nice, but felt tight when I sat down.. it would have been fine, but at something like a ball game you want to be comfortable, so everyone talked me into wearing bigger jeans that I would be more comfortable in. I am glad they did, but I am also glad that I had the choice to wear a size 18 in jeans.. the first time in years . When I got home from shopping I made the cake, cleaned the house a little bit and took my shower and got ready. Jen and Don got here right after Stephen got home from doing his mom and dad's lawn, and then Cory and Jim got there shortly after. We waited for Stephen to get ready, sang happy birthday to Cory, with cake, and presents and then we headed for Comisky.

It was nice getting there early, and it was really nice being able to go all together. We didn't have to worry about meeting up, of finding anyone... and we were able to get into the bull pen sports bar like we wanted to. It was really kinda neat, and I would do it again. The game was great! We had Cory's name put up on the score board, but we messed up getting a picture of it... I am glad she at least was there to see it, lol... or that would have been a waste! She liked it though. During batting practice, she caught a ball.. so it was a good birthday for her.

After the game, it was fireworks night, which was so beautiful. Well, at least after I caught my breath. We (Stephen and I) were supposed to meet the rest of them at our seats (which were wayyyyyyy up and far away from the bullpen sports bar).. they had a head start on us, so we were catching up. Well the fireworks were getting ready to start, so Stephen and I ran most of the way there, and I do mean ran.. I was dying.. he was saying.. come on, only 4 more sections, you can do it.. I thought my sides were going to explode, but we made it to the seats.. only to find out that they hadn't gone there... ugh!!! Oh well, it was still beautiful, and I got to see it with Stephen. The funny part is that he wanted to just stop and watch it from someplace else, but I thought that they were waiting, and I didn't want them to wonder where we were. Guess they weren't wondering, giggle. Oh well, I worked off that pizza, didn't I?

We had planned to go to a bar after the game, but Cory suggested coming back to my house, since the bar is not really Jen and Don's thing...okay, Jim's either, lol, and mine too.. although I was looking forward to just hanging out with everyone for longer. What happened to being 21 and being able to stay out all night, having fun. Cory and I had a drink back at our house, and Jen and Don left right away (they had to get home, but we didn't want them to leave so fast). Cory and Jim stayed for a bit, but they have a long drive home too, so they left a while ago.. now Stephen and I are getting ready for bed.. he has a basketball game in the morning.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I got my period today!!! Uggghh!! I knew it was coming, but that doesn't mean I have to like it....
  2. I had forgotten to grab Stephen's sweatshirt as we were leaving, so I had to buy him a sweatshirt at the game.. well, the jacket I really wanted was only a little more than the sweatshirt, so I just got that for him to wear, and traded him the coat he bought me last year for the jacket, giggle. I like that deal.
  3. I had only had 50 ounces of water earlier today... bad bad girl. I just downed 24 ounces, but I just can't seem to want to go drink 6 more.. I am feeling pretty floaty as is. Hopefully I can do it in a few minutes.. hate to not make my goal already this month, lol.
  4. I really enjoy doing things like today.. I am glad that we have such wonderful friends!!!
  5. Cory and I had a few drinks, and it's making drinking water even harder, lol... maybe it's okay to miss my goal one day, snicker... Guess you will have to check my progress later to see if I made it or not, snicker.

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