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Postively Thinking
05-06-2003, 9:13 p.m.

Things are coming along nicely for this meeting on Thursday, and I am really trying hard not to get too stressed over it. I worry every year, but every year it comes out nice in the end. That is what matters. At least in the end. My boss only has two more years in this group, and I believe that the next meeting will be held on our campus, which makes it so much easier. The hard part, is that he will be president of the group for the next two years, so that means even more work.. but I can handle it. I am always so proud of myself when it's all said and done, and that is a good thing.

I had a great workout tonight, finally!!! It felt so good to get my butt back in the gym, and then I even went for a bike ride tonight, so it's been a pretty active night for me. I hate it when life gets in the way of that.

I cancelled my tupperware party on Friday for a variety of reasons.. so now Jen, and Cory and I are just going to go out to dinner to celebrate Cory's birthday. That is if she can manage to keep from being sick long enough to make it out, lol. I say that jokingly, but in all honesty, I feel so bad for her, and I worry about her a lot. I pray she is feeling better soon. I don't know how much more of this she can handle. Wish there was something I could do to help. Sometimes it sucks being helpless.

Well, tomorrow will be another busy busy day.. but at least it makes the week go by quickly. Oh, and I am making lots of OT for Vegas.. Gotta find the positives, right?

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