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Doing Nothing
05-10-2003, 10:45 p.m.

I can honestly say that I've had a lazy day today. I really have barely done anything, and while I feel a little guilty about that (seeing as how I am behind on so many things), I also feel great. We got up this morning, and decided to go out to breakfast. After a yummy breakfast, we did a little shopping, and then went home. I went to get my workout in, and then went to the grocery store to get that done. I was supposed to go get Mother's Day gifts, but I decided to wait until later, and instead went home and took a nice long nap. It was wonderful, and much needed. When I got up, Stephen had surprised me and had dinner made (yum), and then we just hung out for a bit. I finally ran out to get Mother's day gifts, and I found a couple of really cute outfits for Chrissy too (she turns 15 in a couple of days).

Now, I have wanted to spend the day sewing and working on other stuff, but I just never got the energy or desire... so my stuff still sits undone, but sometimes a day like this is exactly what we need mentally and emotionally. It's all I can do to sit here at the computer, hehe, all I want to do is go back to bed. I think I will do just that, happy sigh. Night.

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