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Basic Science Day

Basic Science Day...

May 11, 2001

Today was Basic Science Day at work. Okay, I can just hear the questions now, what the heck does that mean. Well, I work for a Medical University, and once the med students reach the end of their 2nd year, they are finished with their basic science training. Today was officially the last day of the quarter (they have finals next week), and on the last day each year, it is tradition to have what is called Basic Science Day. The reason this is such an important day for them is that they move onto the clinics next, and start their rotations. You know, like in the TV show, ER, when they have the students... that is what they do next, actually work with patients. A big step for them, and so Basic Science Day is a day for them to celebrate their next big step in their careers. It consists of a day of fun for students and faculty/staff alike. They have the annual student vs. faculty staff softball game to begin with. Stephen played today as he usually does, and I was so proud of him. He played so well, and even scored the winning run. It was a fun game. The only downside is that half way thru it started pouring. Didn't stop us though, we just pulled out the umbrellas, giggle.

After the game, we had a very nice lunch, and then the whole afternoon was just games, beer, and fun. We didn't stay for the video this year though (I know, what video, I don't have the energy to describe it but trust me it is a fun tradition), but I wanted to get home to shop for mother's day gifts so that I would be home in time for the wolves game tonight.

Stephen and I got our jerseys on and sat down to watch the game together. The fun part though is that I really messed with Jen and Tonya all day long (okay, I don't want to see that phone bill), but I had them howling like Skates and everything. And Jen has the phrase "Larrrooouuuccchhhheeee" down perfectly. Then when the game was on, I would call them whenver we scored or something. The best part was when Larouche got 2 back to back goals within a minute of play. Yup, I called her twice. Actually, they had a 2 man advantage, so I called her before they scored, seeing as though I was pretty confident that they would. It was fun, and it was neat to include Jen and Tonya in my insanity, lol.

Needless to say, the Wolves crushed the Moose, 4-1 and are now tied 2 games a piece in the series. The next game is Sunday here in Chicago, and guess who is going? I even told my mom I would take her for mother's day, giggle, but I am going!!! I am not sure if she is going to go with our not, but it's okay, we've got it planned out where we can spend time with both moms and my gram before the game, so I don't feel bad about going.

Tomorrow is Chrissy's 13th Birthday and Sherry and Chuck are having a small surprise party for her, with just family, and then next week, I will have a sleep over party for her. The best part is that we don't even have to be over there until 3:30 so I have the whole morning to just do whatever I want. I am thinking that I might sleep in a little, and then get some stuff done, like mopping the floors and cleaning the bathroom (okay not fun stuff, but heck it's nice to actually have time to do it on a weekend, LOL). I also need to run to the post office tomorrow, as I have some stuff to mail to Jen and Tonya... I can't wait until they see all the stuff I am sending them... hehe, I love getting packages, and I love sending them too... well I would if it didn't consist of actually having to go to the post office, but oh well, that's the price to pay...

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