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Happy Birthday Chrissy
05-12-2003, 8:26 a.m.

Today is Chrissy's 15th Birthday, and that just stuns me. How did 15 years pass already? I still remember when she was born.. I still remember doing things with her when she was just a baby, and then when she was a little girl. She moved in with us when she was 4, and the next years were so wonderful. Getting to watch her grow into a wonderful child, and getting to be part of the special moments is something that I will treasure for always. When they moved out she was 9, and it was heartbreaking, for us, and for her. That we've been able to maintain our closeness and stay a part of the special moments is something that I never take for granted.

15.. that sounds like such an important age. I remember being 15, and I remember how grown up I felt...and yet I look at her and I see a little girl. I know that she is struggling to find her way, to become a young lady.. and I am so very proud of her. When I think of 15, I think of Sherry and I, and all the crazy things we used to do, and I hope she doesn't do half the things we did, hehe. Hell, Sherry got pregnant with her when she was 16, and that is only another year... that is such a scary thought. Chrissy has such a great head on her shoulders though, and I know that she is going to learn from the mistakes of those before her. Maybe I should, but I just don't worry about these things with her.

I love that she can talk to me, and often does.. she tells me about her friends who are having sex, and about the things going on in her life, and I know that she will come to me with everything, because she knows that I am going to listen and not go nuts on her. She wants to be able to talk to her mom, but most times they butt heads like .. well like most moms and 15 year olds do. Get used to it, it's a part of life.. that is what I tell her. I remember that phase with my own mom, and I am so glad that we are passed that and so much closer now. Time is funny... even though it's always moving, some things just do not change.

So on Saturday, Sherry is having a surprise party for Chrissy, with all her friends from school. Chrissy has no clue, she thinks she is coming to spend the weekend with me, and she is.. but I am taking them home on Saturday, at a specified time of course. I can't wait to see her face.

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