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Sweet Sixteen
05-12-2004, 8:09 p.m.

Happy Sweet 16 to our little (or not so little anymore) Chrissy. Man, 16...imagine that. I find it so hard to believe that she is already 16 years old. Sometimes I can close my eyes and clearly remember her as she was when she was born, and then each year that passed afterwards. Watching her grow up has been one of the biggest blessings in my life, and I have been so fortunate to play the part in her life that I have. Time has a funny way of moving quickly though, and here we are 16 years later.

I still remember when I turned 16 and how exciting it was. I wanted so much for my life, and now I want so much for Chrissy�s. Maybe the things that I want for her are not going to be the things that she wants for herself, and maybe there will be times along the way when I am disappointed in her (sometimes VERY disappointed), but I do know that no matter what, I will love her always.

Sixteen is really such a sweet age. The whole world is opening up for you and you are on the brink of something, even if you do not really know exactly what that something is. I look forward to seeing what that something is for her. There is so much ahead of her. How exciting.

She always asks me if I wish I were 16 again, and I laugh and say never, and that is the truth. Cause even if it is exciting and fun, it�s also hard in soooooooooo many ways. I don�t think I would ever want to be that age again, hehe, even if I did enjoy it immensely when it was my time.

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