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Uncle Punk
05-13-2004, 8:18 p.m.

This has been such a crazy few weeks at work, and I am just so happy that come next week, I am officially free, as in no classes for whole quarter. I will still have tons of work to do, and actually in some ways the summer is even more busy for me, but not having to deal with students and exams for a couple of months is enough to make me want to get up and do a happy dance.

Well I might want to do a happy dance a little more if it wasn�t that time of the month, and if it didn�t come on with a vengeance. At work too, unexpectedly and quite not-funly. Luckily though, I have a cool boss with whom I can say just about anything. I just let him know I had a girly accident and he laughed, saying that he has a wife and daughter and understands those girly accidents about as well as any man could. Luckily he understood enough to let me go home a little bit early. Let�s just say I was so happy to be able to clean things up, hehe. I am cramping so bad though, and the pain pill I took to combat that is making me quite loopy. I guess that I can�t win, no matter which way I turn, at least not with this.

Other than all that, it�s been a pretty good day. It so does not feel like a Thursday though, as we didn�t go to the in-laws for dinner. Starting next week we are going to be going on Wednesdays for the summer. That is going to be strange, but Stephen has softball league on Thursdays so there was no other option, other than to not go, and that just wasn�t an option at all. I really enjoy our time over there� especially spending time with Kathleen.

Last night, Nicole and Kathleen came over to visit for a while, and she was just so adorable. She calls Stephen �punk� just like James does, only last night she started calling him �uncle punk� which just had us giggling. What a cutie she is.

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