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Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day...

May 13, 2001

Happy Mother's Day to all mom's and mom's to be. But even as importantly... Happy Mother's Day to all those women who want so desperately to become a mom and are struggling with it. Mother's Day can be so happy for some, and yet so devastating for other's. It's a day to celebrate our mom's, and to celebrate being a mom, but yet for some women, it is a reminder of what they don't have. I remember the last Mother's Day so well. I found out that I was pregnant a month and a half before, and God, I was so excited...the first mother's day that I would really get to say, hey I'm a mom... but it wasn't to be. Instead, on Mother's Day, I was left with the memories of a pregnancy gone bad, and lots of If only's...I think that I got thru it alright, I certainly didn't want to take away from the special day, after all, we are still fortunate to be able to honor our own mother's on this special day, but yet, deep down, there are always those questions... will their ever be a Mother's Day for me?

Today, in a little bit, we are going to go spend some time with Stephen's mom. Give her her gifts, and tell her how much we love her and appreciate her. Then we are off to my mom's for a few hours as well. My gram is there too, so I can see both of them, and give them their gifts and remind them how much I appreciate them. I am glad that we get to spend this special day with all 3 of them, because I couldn't think of a better way to spend it.

Tonight, we are going to the Wolves game. How convenient for us that the Allstate arena is half way between my mom's house and ours, how convenient that we can go there on our way home, LOL. I am glad we are going, it should be fun :) I tried to talk my mom into going with us, but she didn't know if she could find someone to watch my grandfather, and she didn't want my gram to have to do it today, on Mother's Day. Can't she see that I feel the same way about her, I want her to have a good day too. Hopefully, I can talk her and gram both into going with us tonight. We'll see, but at any rate, we will get to spend time with them and that's what counts.

Happy Mother's Day!! Enjoy your day with your mom's, with your kid's and (for those of you trying to have kid's) with the knowledge that someday you too will have your own Mom's Day. I believe that to be true for me, and for you as well.

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