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Oh So Sleepy

Oh So Sleepy...

May 14, 2001

We had such a wonderful day yesterday. We were able to get some house cleaning done in the morning, and then we got ready and went over to Stephen's parents house. They were not back from Church yet, but we knew that they wouldn't be. Stephen takes care of their lawn for them, so we went early so that we could get it done. I even helped, which is a shocker, since I hate hate hate doing yard work of any form (Note, I still haven't even done my flowers, hehe). But I couldn't resist helping, and I put a big X right in the middle of the yard. Stephen was cracking up at me, and it made it harder to mow the rest, but hey, I had fun.

We had a nice visit with Stephen's mom, and she loved her gifts, especially the shirts, since she really did want them, and was suprised that I remembered that. She said that she is now all set for vacation, hehe. Glad I could help. We stayed and had lunch with them and then Stephen's brother Kevin and his kids got there, and we left to go see my mom and gram.

We had a great time out there too, and my mom and gram both loved their gifts so much. I was so glad :) We had dinner there, well Stephen ate, I was still full from lunch and ended up only eating a few slices of a tomato, LOL. We had lots of fun, and tried to talk my mom into going to the game with us, but she wanted both my dad and my gram to go with, and someone had to stay to watch my she decided to just go to the next game when they can arrange for a sitter for him. Okay, I can accept that. We probably would have stayed longer and even missed the game, but she kept telling us that we should go...and well let's face it, I am weak when it comes to the Wolves.. I am not going to give up a chance to go.

The game was awesome. It was a very intense game, and stayed scoreless until the 3rd period and then the final was only 1-0. We won though!! Woo hoo. The only bad part is that the ref we had sucked soooooo much, and so I had a sore throat today from yelling so much with the rest of the crowd. We took the digital camera with us (giggle) and so we took lots of pictures, okay so lots of them are of Skates and of Larouche, but there are some of us even, LOL. (Wolves Game Pictures). It was a great game though, and we were both so glad that we went. I keep getting coupons for the games, so it doesn't even cost us all that much to go, which is of course why we can go to so many games. I think though, that we both realize now that we would use season tickets if we were to get them. So now we really are considering that.

When we got home, I checked my email to read the highlights of the game (yes, I know I was there, but I still like to read them). While I was reading my email, I came across a cute one from Tonya. She had gone to their website (Chicago Wolves), and pulled up the scorebox and watched it through out the game. Awwww, how sweet was that. I mean, let's face it, I do talk about the Wolves a tad too much, but she really cares, because she knows how much I do. And then today, Cory told me that she and Jim watched some of the game on Friday night, and that made me feel so good too. My friends care, because it means a lot to me... and that is just so damn wonderful. I even called Jen from the game, after the only goal of the night, and okay so the crowd was so loud that we could barely hear each other, but she was excited I called and that was neat too. I did buy a present for each of them (Jen, Cory and Tonya) at the game, hehe, and I can't wait to give it to them. They deserve it for listening to me ramble about the wolves all the time. I wish I could go to a game with them.

So by the time I uploaded all the pictures so I could send them to the girls, it was late, and then I had to be up so early this morning because we had a final exam today. I was so busy the whole day trying to get grades recorded and all that fun stuff, dealing with students and trying to get our next final ready, so I am just so tired tonight. I sat down to watch TV and fell asleep for 2 hours. Poor Stephen had to pull dinner out of the oven and eat all by himself, but man I was tired, and I still am so sleepy. I could go back to bed already, but I think that I will wait until 10, so that I don't wake up in the middle of the night. It's going to be a lonnngggg week with our finals and Stephens... oh yay!

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