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Western Conference Champs!!
05-15-2001, 10:32 p.m.

Western Conference Champs!!

May 15, 2001

WAY TO GO WOLVES!!!!! Congratulations to the Western Conference Champs, and now onto the Turner Cup!

What a wonderful wonderful game. It was so intense. We were down by 2 pretty early in the game, as the Moose got 2 quick power plays and scored in both. We got up to being behind by 1, when they got two more goals and were leading by 3.. But the Wolves were having none of that and proceeded to score another 5 goals, making the final score 6-4. Wonderful moment :) Now we are watching a special, the best of the wolves... hehe... more exciting moments.

We are so excited about the Wolves advancing and plan on getting tickets for games 3 and 4 as soon as they go on Sale. They play games 1 and 2 in Orlando, as they will be facing the Orlando Solar Bears. It's going to be a good series!

Well as you can tell, I am pretty excited about tonight's game and all that, and I can't think of anything else that I wanted to talk about in my journal tonight. LOL, guess my mind is only on one thing at the moment.

Well, I better get to bed soon, it's already 11:00 and I have to be in early tomorrow for another exam. Ah, but it's our last, and once I get final grades submitted, we will be free of classes until August.. Woo Hoo... I am so excited about that too. It will be nice to get a litlte bit of a break, well not that it will be much of a break, we have so many other things going on, but at least it will make it easier to concentrate on the other stuff without having to think about classes too.

Oh yah, I know what I wanted to write about. I got a goodie package from Tonya today, and it was so awesome. She is so great, I love getting presents, LOL. It had a CD in it, and this really cute doll, that is named Vicki Violet... I love it. Also some chocolate covered gummy bears, which are pretty good. I've never had a chocolate covered gummy bear before, so it was a new experience, hehe.

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