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Kids Say The Cutest Things

Kids Say The Cutest Things...

May 13, 2002

So the baby shower was really nice on Saturday. It was at a country club, which was very nice. Kevin's first wife, Tracy, dropped the kids off at Stephen's mom's and I picked up the girls to take with and lil' Kev to take to Gerald's house to visit during the shower. They were so excited to show me what they made for their new baby brother/sister.

If you look at the pic of the day, the kids made that.. all by themselves. Tracy took them to get the wood (and a kit or something), and Kevin put it together, and Kimberly and Karolyn painted it. It was beautiful, and I am so proud of them. Nicole is doing the room in red, white and blue, so it's perfect.

Well at the shower, Kimberly couldn't wait and kept asking Nicole.. do you want to know what gift is from us, huh huh, and Nicole told her that she would see soon, and Kimberly says.. it's the one that isn't wrapped... Nicole was all excited.. you guys did that??? Kimberly says "Yes, and it cost 22 dollars".. Karolyn gives her a look and says "KIMBERLYYYYYYYY"... I thought for sure she was going to tell her that you should tell the price of gifts, when she said "It cost 27 dollars silly". OMG, I was dying.. I almost choked on my punch. It was the funniest thing. Kids say the cutest things.

So Kevin and Nicole got a lot of gifts.. I mean a lot.. it took them almost 3 hours to open everything. My MIL was so funny, she kept coming over and saying... see all the cute stuff? I bet you will get even more you know.. think she wants another baby? Isn't 13 enough? LOL. It didn't bother me though.. I want one too, lol.

I had fun playing with Matthew and Sarah.. they were all over me playing, and we had fun. I got to hold Katelyn for a while too, until all the cousins took her over.. they said I get more of a chance to hold her than they do.. they are right, but soooooo, lol.

After the shower, I went home to pick up Stephen to leave for Indiana.. but that's for tomorrow, since I am tired. G'nite.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Today was a day from hell.. With our final, and getting ready for tomorrows.. and grades and all that, I was going nuts.. then add into it other stuff, and it just sucked, but tomorrow should be better.
  2. I didn't get to go workout until right before it was time to go home.. but I am so proud of myself for still going. It's so very hard to do it at the end of the day for me, but it felt so good.
  3. When I went to go workout, I had such a migraine starting, and about 5 minutes into my workout, I just wanted to die.. but I kept going, and by the end of my workout, I was feeling sooooo much better. I couldn't believe how great the workout made me feel. Stephen said it lifted my stress.. maybe, I don't know.. I just know it felt great.

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