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Chrissy's Surprise
05-17-2003, 9:48 p.m.

Today was Chrissy's surprise party, and boy was she surprised. It was wonderful, and I was just so thrilled for her. I guess that she broke up with her boyfriend this week (well since she isn't *technically* allowed to date yet, she calls him her "friend with benefits"). It was hard for her, and her friends kept warning her that she was going to regret it, but they couldn't say why and she would see soon. I think that was pretty cruddy, but I knew what they were talking about, and couldn't tell her either (not that I told her that). He had a lot of people coming to her party, and when she broke up with him, he convinced a lot of his friends not to go, so instead of the 20 originally coming, she was down to about 8. I was so proud of her though, because in the end, she didn't care, and I heard her tell her friend tonight that she didn't regret it one bit, that her friends that mattered were there... and you could tell she totally meant it. She was just beaming over the party, and I am so glad that Sherry and Chuck did this for her.

I gave her the birthday gifts that Stephen and I got her, last night, and she loved them. I had gotten her a couple of outfits, and some jewelry, and I gave them to her early cause I know her so well, and I just knew that she would want to wear them right away, and then I would not have to sneakingly try to get her to dress nice, and make her suspecious. She totally fell in love with all of the outfits I got her, but especially one. The pants were a little too big, so she and I went shopping to exchange them this morning, and we had fun trying on clothes together. I so can't believe how grown up she is.. but what a great kid, I am so proud of her.

Also this morning, I clued June in on the whole surprise party thing. Sherry and Chuck had wanted to tell her, but were afraid of the whole secret thing, but we thought that she would be fine for one day, and she was so proud of herself for knowing. It was really so cute, totally.

Right after we left to get her home in time (the girls both thought that they were spending the whole weekend here, but I told Chrissy that I wanted to drive over to her house to help her mom and dad with a few things since we didn't have any other plans, and since we do that sometimes while they are here anyway, she didn't think anything of it.. she can be so clueless sometimes), they called and asked me to stall a little, so we stopped for some hawaiian shaved ice. I knew that June would take her time picking her flavors, which she did, so it worked out well, and when we were about 10 minutes from their house, Sherry called back and said anytime... so it really worked out timing wise.

When Chrissy opened the door and all her friends yelled surprise.. she almost started crying. She totally was surprised, and she had a great party and a lot of fun. We had fun too, meeting all her friends and the such. I really am so glad for her, and I can't wait to call her tomorrow to hear the rest.

The only downside to the whole day is that I've really been out of it, just not feeling great, and totally just not myself. On top of that, my allergies are kicking my butt, and my eyes have been bothering me all day long. The past few days have been so stressful, and it really has caught up with me, and I just feel so lost sometimes. I know that I will start feeling better in the next few days, but in the meantime, yuck. I am also so totally tired the past few days, and I fell asleep when we got home from Sherry and Chucks. The phone later woke me up, and I suspect I will be up late tonight. I slept so horrible last night, and had nightmares all night long. I think I had to have woken up every half an hour, and the night just seemed like it would never end. Hopefully I will sleep much better tonight, that would really go a long way.

I was supposed to go to a crop with my friends tomorrow, but we cancelled it, for me, and I am glad in a way, because I so am not feeling up to it, but even more, I have dedicated tomorrow to working on Tricia's bridesmaid dress, and I *really* need that time. Unfortunately, my goal was to have it done this week, but with everything else going on, I just couldn't... so tomorrow is the day. I know that once I start, it will go quickly though, and my guess is that I can get most of it done tomorrow, if not all of it.. so that's my goal for tomorrow, closeting myself in my sewing room and getting to work. Don't worry Tricia, it will be done, and not half-assed either, I will do my best work.

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