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Never Ending Uno Hand

Never Ending Uno Hand...

May 19, 2002

I so meant to get online last night to write about our day yesterday, but by the time we got home, it was pretty late, and I was pretty tired. I laid down for a minute, but that's all it took, I was out like a light. Yesterday was very nice, even though it was a bit busy. We slept late, later than I usually ever sleep. I didn't get up until almost 10:00. That is so out of the ordinary for me, but I was so tired. When we got up, Stephen and the girls had some donuts and were goofing around while I ran to the grocery store to pick up stuff for couples night. I was making baked beans and pick up a cake for Chrissy and Chuck. I was going to make jello, but I didn't have time, so I decided to try a new recipe for a fruity fruit salad or a coconut fruit salad (like hawaiian salad)... and I couldn't decide which, so I decided to just make both. I am a goof sometimes.. but I wanted to. One of them was absolutely awesome, yum, and I would make it again.. and again (the coconut one), and I have been eating the leftovers all day long, giggle. The other, I didn't like, so that's a no make, but at least I know now.

As I made the food, Stephen and the girls got ready, and then so did I. I had fun getting ready, cause the girls wanted to help me.. and I let them blow dry my hair and put a little make up on me, it was cute. I even curled their hair for them, which they totally loved. It made us a little late, but it was so worth it.

We had to go pick up Stephen's parents to take them to the party for Stephen's cousin's son's first communion party. It was nice, and we had a good time. This is the side of his family that I am not as close with, so it wasn't as much fun as it would have been if it were the other side of the family, but I am glad we went. The girls wanted to go for a walk in the woods, so we did that, and had a great time. I took a lot of pictures of them, and I just love the pics. I love pictures outside with trees and stuff around, they are just so pretty. By the time we got back, Gerald and Michelle and the kids were there, so Chrissy and June were happy to go off and play with Amy. Since we got there a little later than we planned, we stayed a little later too. By the time we took Stephen's parents home, and then got back home, we were again running a little late, but it wasn't so bad.

We packed up the car and headed to Jen's for couple's night. It was the first one at her house, and she did a great job. We all had a ton of really was a great time. I enjoy these nights very much, and I am glad that we have them. All of the food was wonderful, as was the company. After dinner, we usually play games, and last night was no exception. Jen bought a few new games, but first we wanted to try Uno Attack with that many people. OMG, it was hysterical and we spent the next few hours laughing our asses off. Can I just say that just 2 hands of UNO took a few hours. It was the funniest thing, and we all had so much fun. I swear, at moments, I thought I was going to pee my pants from laughing so hard and so often. It was just a great night.

As I said in the beginning of the entry, we got home pretty late, but we were all happy as well as tired. The girls hadn't lasted 5 minutes in the car before they had fallen asleep, and while Stephen told me I could take a sleep myself, I stayed up talking to him on the ride home. He was in such a great mood yesterday, and he was so chatty and happy, and I love days like that.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Today was a nice day with the girls. We did a lot. We went to Timmy and Amy's baseball games. The only bad part of the day was when June got plunked in the eye with a hard baseball. She was playing catch with Amy and missed the ball. The poor thing.. I put ice on it right away and babied her for a while..and she is fine, but she will have a black eye tomorrow... awww.. she is proud of it though, lol.
  2. The Wolves won today!! Yippee.. they are the Western Conference Champs, and they are going on to play for the cup. GO WOLVES!!!
  3. Yesterday was my BIL Kevin's 36th birthday. Man, we are getting old, lol. He is away for the weekend on a golf outing with friends.. but we got to see him on Thursday when he stopped over to borrow my white sox jacket, so we told him Happy Birthday then.
  4. I am watching Survivor now, and writing this during commercials. I am sure that I missed a lot that I wanted to write, but can't miss any of the last Survivor can I?

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