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Season Finales

Season Finales...

May 20, 2002

Can you believe that all the shows are coming to an end? Sometimes I hate this time of the year, because it means I have to wait months to see what is going on, on my shows.. but then in other ways, it is nice, cause I don't have to plan my evenings around the TV and I can concentrate on doing other stuff. Tonight was the 7th Heaven season finale, and it was a good one. I love that Stephen watches this show with me, even though we call it his closet show because he wouldn't admit to watching it. He only started watching it this season with me because it cracked him up when the mom on the show started going thur menopause and acted like a nut. He called it the crazy lady show for a long time, lol. I like it when we watch shows together.. really we usually watch different stuff, although lately, we are finding alot more in common.

Yesterday was the Survivor finale. Hmmmm, I was not too happy with the winner.. or with some other stuff. I was sooooo mad when Paschal got the outs, but mostly because of the way it happened. How freaking crappy.. all he had to do was go against Neleh, and he would have been in there.. that's all he had to do. But he stayed loyal, and she just let him do it.. I don't know how I would act faced with a chance to win a million dollars but I would like to think that it wouldn't be the way some of these people act. I really liked the hour reunion with Rosie though.. that was the best one yet. I can't wait for the next survivor. If it wasn't for having to eat yucky stuff, I bet I could do it.. snicker, yah right.

I do not know if I mentioned it before, but I was not very happy with the Friends ending either... ugh, I just didn't like it.

So tonight, I listened to the hockey game between the sound tigers and the bulldogs.. I had to scope out the competition since the Wolves will be playing the winner of that series in the calder cup round. The team that was behind won tonight, meaning that they have to play a game seven now, hehe.. that is a good thing.. because that gives the wolves more of a rest and makes them more tired... works for me.

We also had some errands to run after work so we didn't get home until late. Stephen's parents left for their trip to Atlantic City today and they called last night and asked if we could do a few things for them, so we went and done that, and then I had to stop at Michelle's house to teach her how to use the sewing machine that she got for chrismtas. LOL, she is never going to get it, because she really didn't want to learn, but I set it up for her and she will be able to sew the hems in Amy's uniform skirts for school, and that is what she wanted. At least I helped, giggle. Delores wants me to teach her too, so maybe we will just have to have sewing

Daily Tidbits

  1. I got a lot done on my huge FS project at work today, and I should be able to finish that up tomorrow now, yay! I can't wait to be done.
  2. Because of working on the project, I didn't get to workout until before I went home. It is always so much harder to do it that late in the day (I don't know how Cory does it like that every day), but I did it and I am glad.
  3. I have been doing soooooooo bad with my eating lately. I need to get back on track.. and I will..I want to, I have to!
  4. Okay, the power play is starting with June's favorite player, so I am going to go watch it for her, giggle.

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