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Nothing To Chance
05-20-2003, 10:20 p.m.

Sometimes I think that it takes me as long to get ready for a vacation, as does the vacation last. I must take a week to pack, and even then, I worry that I am going to forget a million different things. To top it off, I am a clothes freak.. I love new clothes, I love them so much and I like having new clothes for special things, so of course, I have been looking here and there for a couple of things, without spending all my vacation money.. what a balance that is, hehe. Plus I have had to pick up a few little necessities too.. you know like film and stuff.. can't forget that stuff.

I also had to get to the gym tonight, and have to be sure to go tomorrow and Thursday. See, they are doing this thing, a fitness challenge, and for the next month, you have to work out 4 days/week and if you do, you get a prize. Unfortunately, their week goes from M-S.. which means, M, T, W, Th are it for me, as I will be in Vegas on Friday. It just started this week too, and I am not going to blow it in the first week, hehe. It's good to have goals, right. The only bad thing, is that Chuck has been wanting to come over all week to go for a walk. We went for a walk together Friday night, and we ended up walking 4 miles, something he has not done before, and he was so totally excited about it, that he really wants to start walking together more often. I would love to, but it's just going to have to wait until after Vegas, because I just can't seem to fit more into my schedule.

Tomorrow is devoted to spending the evening with Stephen, since it will be our last before I leave. I am going to spend the night at my mom and dad's Thursday night, because we have to leave at 4:30 in the morning on Friday (eek), and while Stephen might spend the night with me there, it's not the same as spending some time alone. I am really going to miss him so much, especially since I know how much he loves Vegas, it's going to be so strange being there without him, but I am looking forward to seeing Tonya and that is going to be so totally awesome. I can't believe it is here already.

Tonya leaves tomorrow night, woo hoo. I am so jealous that she gets an extra night in Vegas, hehe. She better not have tooooo much fun without me, giggle.

I have been sleeping so horribly for the past few nights... and I am exhausted, so tonight I am leaving nothing to chance, and I stopped and got some tylenol PM. I feel them kicking in now, yay.. so sweet dreams to all. Dream of me winning in Vegas, hehe.

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