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Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather...

May 21, 2001

What an icky day it's been weather wise. So much for washing my car yesterday. Why is it that it always rains when you wash your car? Oh well, at least I got it done, and I got to put my butterflies on it too. They are so cute.

Today was a rather slow day at work, but then our network was down. Imagine that, just my luck, LOL.

I came home tonight and took a nap, big dummy. I hate when I do that, it just ruins my sleep the whole week. I think that I am going to try real hard to go to bed in a few minutes though, so that I can get an earlier start tomorrow. I need to get back on a better sleep schedule. I've been staying up so late lately, and then I wonder why I am so tired that I need a nap. Duh!

Well, I am off to bed! Sweet Dreams to all!

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