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Happy Dance

Happy Dance...

May 22, 2001

Oh wow, I am so excited. Jen and Tonya made their flight reservations today for their trip down in July. Okay, so Jen couldn't get on the site, so I was able to make them for her, hehe, but I did so with her on the phone and really had a fun time doing so. They are coming for real!!! Woo Hoo!

It is now Tuesday 5/22/2001 at 3:37:45 PM. Event: Jen and Tonya ArriveScheduled For 7/13/2001 05:58 PM1 month 22 days 2 hours 20 minutes 15 seconds or 7 weekends or 52 days or 1,250 hours (833 waking hours) or 75,020 minutes or 4,501,214 seconds

We really are all excited about it, and we've aleady even come up with a schedule of what we are going to do, and when. Stephen laughed when he saw that, but hey we had so many options that we wanted to agree on what we wanted to do, and the easiest thing was to figure out when, and if it would work out. I can't wait to show Jen and Tonya as good a time as they showed us. I better get working on my scrapbook though, cause we are going to end up with as many pictures before they leave here, LOL. I am going to have to do a scrapbook just from their trip here too. Woo hoo, the fun of it all.

Cory and I are talking about getting together this weekend to work on our scrapbooks together. I hope that we are able to do so. I've been wanting us to work on them together for a while now, but it seems like we always have something else going on. It would be fun, although I wonder if we would actually get any work done. I bet we would.

No matter what else we plan though, I will get to see Cory on Friday since we are going to the Wolves game together. Stephen and I are going to tomorrow nights game too. I am excited :)

Well it's almost time to go home. I have to say though, I've been writing in this thing at night most of the time lately, and so it feels really strange to be writing in it during the day. Hehe, funny how we get used to doing something in certain ways.

No big plans for tonight. Going to watch the Buffy season finale, and then maybe work on a scrapbook page, we'll see...

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