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05-22-2002, 9:16 p.m.


May 22, 2002

This is going to be a short entry for a few reasons. One, I am really tired and don't feel like writing, and more importantly, I have a horrible migraine and took a vicodin, and now am feeling loopey. Loopey.. that is a nickname that Don (Jen's hubby) gave me quite a few years back, because he said if there is a loophole, I will find it. I don't think he meant it as a compliment all the time, but I thought it was, lol.

I came home and got a lot of little things done around the house, and then made Stephen and I a yummy yummy dinner.. steaks and corn on the cob. My steaks came out awesome. I ended up using some Montreal Steak Seasoning, and Stephen loved it. I thought it was great too, and that is the first time I've actually made a decent steak. I normally have Stephen make the steaks, but he had some errands to run, so I just had him start the grill and I did it myself.. another thing I normally don't do, use the grill. I am not a griller.. I love grilled food, but I always let everyone else do the grilling. Well at least I know I can do it if I have to. What is it about grills that are so easy for some people and so hard for others? I don't get it. Good thing the 2 grilled meals we have planned in Florida, are the nights Jen and Tonya are cooking.. hehe.

I got my project done for the FS, and drove it over to the mail room today to mail out. Now I have been trying to set up a meeting which really shouldn't be my responsibility, and I am going insane.. I have tried to set this meeting like 10 times, and people just are not cooperating. I am getting frustrated with it, and am not sure what to do. I am sure it will work out, but I am getting crabby over it. Speaking of crabby, my boss has been so crabby the past week. Ugh, I swear, I hate when he gets like this. He has bad knees (from playing rugby when he was younger) and needs them replaced, and I can tell that they are hurting him so badly, and I know that it is that which is making him such a bear, but sometimes when he is like this, I just want to kick him in those knees.. giggle. Okay, not really, but it might make me feel better. Okay, so I am not that mean, but sometimes I wish I were.

Daily Tidbits

  1. We have made a lot of our plans for Florida now, and we are all pretty happy with them. It's starting to come together, which is awesome, and it will be here before we know it. Only a few weeks now. Okay, almost a month, but since it's under a month, I can say few weeks, right? Things are really falling into place.. and yay Tonya, I am so glad that it all fell in place for you today.. yippeee.. no more worries.
  2. Tomorrow I am meeting Michelle and James at Stephen's parents house. They are still in Atlantic City, but we are going to plant their flowers for them while they are gone. That should be fun.. I should take my camera with to get pictures of James planting the flowers for gram. Oh well, if I forget to take my digital, at least I keep my regular camera in my purse at all times.. hey you never know when you will need it.
  3. Hey Leslie.. another close game huh?? I am glad that your team pulled it out in OT the other night, and hope they can do so before OT tonight.. Oh man, detroit just almost scored as I was typing this, but they called it a no goal. Lucky break there!!
  4. Speaking of Hockey, The sound tigers won tonight, which means they are who the Wolves will face in the Calder Cup round. They start Friday night.. Go Wolves!
  5. I have been irritable with Stephen all day, and he finally got sick of it (imagine that) and started being irritable back with me. I guess I deserved it, but hey, one irritable one at a time, ok. LOL. I said I was sorry, so now he is back to being nice.. and he is going to lay down with me and rub my head until I fall asleep. I am glad he is so good to me. My head is pounding.. he always knows how to make it feel a little better.
  6. Oops Leslie.. another OT.. your team is going to be tireddddd.. 2 OT games in a row. Hope they can pull it out tonight.

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