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Oh, Ouch
05-24-2002, 8:34 p.m.

Oh, Ouch...

May 24, 2002

Well, since I took that nap last night, I really slept horribly. I couldn't fall asleep at first, and when I did, I was up and down all night long. The thing with drinking my water so late at night, is that I often have to get up several times to go to the bathroom. I seemed to be up and down more than usual last night though. In the process, I must have slept funny on my neck, because when I woke up this morning, my neck hurt so bad. It was stiff, and it drove me nuts most of the day. It really was bothering me when I worked out, but I stuck with it, which I am glad for.

We got to leave work early today, and it's a good thing we did. It took us forever to get to the girls to pick them up, and then it took us even longer to get home with them. All in all, it took us over 3 hours to pick them up and get home. 3 hours, of stressful driving in traffic, which did not help my neck any. The plan was that Stephen was going to cook dinner, but I had to run out to get some stuff for him. Well, but by the time we got home, he decided that we should just order pizza instead. I was so glad for that, and the girls were totally happy since they love pizza.

We laid down to all watch the wolves game together (well we are still watching, they are tied in the 2nd intermission).. and we were just hanging out. During the first intermission, Stephen went to go drop some movies off, and the girls and I were goofing around. Well, as I have written about before.. we call June Mine and Chrissy his. They call us that too.. and when either Stephen or I are not around the other messes with the kid that is theirs. So, not wanting to be outdone, June and I tackled Chrissy and started tickling her, since Stephen wasn't here to protect her... Well June had the idea of duct taping Chrissy's arms together, hehe.. what the heck. We got her arms duct taped (loosely of course, I would never hurt her.. oh and did I mention that she thought it was cool and was totally cooperating). When we had her arms done, she said, do my legs tooooo.. so what the heck, giggle. We even put a piece over her mouth and tossed her on her bed. When Stephen got home a few minutes later, June and I were calmly sitting on the couch as Chrissy was yelling for Stephen (it was the plan, thanks for going with it Chrissy). I thought Stephen was going to die when he saw her.. and he has threatened retaliation towards Juney.

Only one problem. During our playing, I really hurt my neck.. BAD. I can barely move it.. I am in so much pain. After Stephen heard that Chrissy was in on it all..and saw how hurt I was.. he gave June a break, LOL..Phew, cause I couldn't save her if I wanted to. In fact, they have to move my head for me everytime I want to move it. Chrissy totally had to help me over to the computer so I could write this. Stephen was like, are you kidding me.. is writing in your journal worth this?? LOL.. I am here, aren't I?

So aside from my neck which is killing me, we are having a great night. I am going to go lay down with June to watch the 3rd period of the Wolves game.. gosh, have I mentioned how much I love it that she loves watching the games?

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tomorrow morning, we are going out to my mom's to take Chrissy shopping for a dress for her school dance. I hope my neck is feeling much better by then. It should be.. hopefully. Chrissy is so excited, and I am excited for her. Hopefully we will be able to stop and see Cory afterwards before we head back home.

  2. Tomorrow night we are watching the wolves game.. hehe, what a cool weekend.

  3. I am hoping to see Jen sometime this weekend too. It's going to be a full fun weekend. I love long weekends, especially when I have the girls.

  4. Okay, I told Chrissy she could play online for a bit.. but she has to help me back to bed first, giggle. I really can barely move my head.

  5. We really are not cruel to the kids.. so don't be calling anyone on us, giggle. The tape thing was funny, and I wouldn't have done it if Chrissy didn't tell me to, we were all cracking up, In fact, Chrissy kept giving us more ideas to do. She wanted me to take pics and print ont to give to Stephen. I just don't want anyone to think that we would ever do anything to hurt them, lol.
  6. Okay, I am a goof... I worry too much about what other people think sometimes.

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