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So That's What That Was Like

So That's What That Was Like...

May 25, 2002

I learned something today, something that I already knew on many levels, but that was so clear today on many others. I have a pretty cool mom.

We took Chrissy and June shopping today to get a dress for Chrissy for her 8th grade dance. My mom promised to take her for a dance last year, as long as her grades were kept up all year, and Chrissy really was excited about it all year long. So she was up pretty early this morning and anxious to go.

We got to my mom's about 10, and she made a nice breakfast for everyone. It was yummy, and a very nice thing for her to do. We hung out there a little longer, and then headed out to the Mall. We went to some trendy teen-age shops, and let Chrissy try on tons of dresses.. and as we did, I remembered many similar afternoons with my mom when I was a teenager. How could I have forgotten how awesome my mom was with this stuff. I didn't remember all the hours my mom spent scouring the malls with me for the perfect dress.. but it all came back to me today, and I have a brand new appreciate for my mom. It's funny, when you are a teenager, you just don't see it..and then you forget it, until you have kids of your own, and it all comes back to you. Not that Chrissy is my own, but you know what I mean.

We had fun watching Chrissy try on dresses, and we even let June try one some stuff, just for the fun of it. My mom offered to buy her a few shirts, but she said No thank you.. so my mom gave her some money instead, which she procceeded to use to sneak and buy Chrissy some pretty earings to wear with her dress.. awwww, I had tears in my eyes over that one. She is such a thoughtful generous little girl, and I am often very proud of her. I went and bought her a necklace that she had her eye on, and she has worn it all day. She deserved it.

So Chrissy finally found the perfect dress, which she totally loves, and it's even one that I don't think Sherry and Chuck will freak over, giggle. My mom told her to grab one more thing, cause it was buy one get one half off, and the outfit she got for the dance was 3 pieces.. so she got the dress she loved to, and she is going to wear that for her graduation. I can't believe how grown up she looks.. and her shape.. man. She is growing into her body, that is for certain.

Chrissy is also now in that "the world revolves around my life" stage that most 14 year old girls go thru. I am not kidding when I say that all I heard about all day was this dance, her hair, her make-up, her dress... what her mom should do for her for this.. and for that.. this dance, her hair, her make-up, lol, you get the point. I so got to the point where I am guilty of drowing her out a little bit. I didn't want to tell her to hush, because she was so excited.. but you can only talk about it for so many hours before you just want to scream. I so don't mean that in a bad way either. I remember so well being that age, and how exciting things like going to your first dance with a boy is.. and I am so glad that she likes talking to me about these things, and that she still wants to talk to me about these things. I am not complaing.. I am just glad that it's bedtime and I can stop hearing about her friends and who said what about the dance, and who is going with who, and who is wearing what, and who is jealous about who going with who.. lol.. makes my head spin. Ah, the life of a 14 year old. So that's what that was like for my mom... She was so cool about it all.. always wanting me to have nice dresses.. even when they couldn't afford it.. or spending way more than they had because I had such a hard body shape (I had huge boobs, but the rest of me was so small.. so to fit me up top and on bottom was so hard, but she never gave up). What a great mom she was, in so many ways.. I can't believe I forgot how cool she was when I was a teenager though. I will never forget again.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Stephen made us a very nice taco dinner with mexican rice tonight. It was so yummy, and June ate sooooo much. I was cracking up watching her make her tacos.. they looked like sandwhiches they were so big, but she ate every last bite. It was so nice not to have to come home and cook, and then Stephen and Chrissy cleaned up too and shooed me away. Ah, now that was nice.
  2. My neck is still hurting, although it was a lot better. WAS, until Brian decided to jump right on my neck.. ouch.. he was just playing, but ouch.. lol
  3. Oh, I guess I should have said, Brian is here spending the night. My brother called telling me how much he loves me and how I so need to take time to come see his new house. UM, hello.. then maybe you should try returning some of my calls. I should have known he needed a babysitter as soon as he started the I love you stuff. He is so predictable. Still, I didn't mind, Chrissy and June love when Brian is here, and frankly, so do I. We had a fun night with him tonight.
  4. I called my mom and told her I was stealing all her Brian kisses.. hehe, she was jealous.. he said.. so come here and get them gramma. LOL. I know she wanted to, but it was late, and they are leaving for Indiana early in the morning. They were supposed to go today, but she was out galavanting with us too long, giggle.
  5. I got to stop by Cory's house for a while, which was so nice. I got to see the work they are doing on their bathroom.. well the tearing out part, but she also showed me all the stuff they bought.. oh man, I loveeeee her new tub.. I want one, giggle. I didn't get to stay over there as long as I would have liked to, but I had a date with Stephen to watch the wolves game, and I know they were busy anyway.
  6. The wolves lost tonight, so they are 1-1 now.. but they won a game on the road and that's what they wanted/needed to do. Now they are home for 3 games, so all they need to do is win here.. hehe. Works for me!!!

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