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Impromptu Family BBQ

Impromptu Family BBQ...

May 26, 2002

Today was nothing like I thought it would be, nothing like I planned it would be, but it was very nice, and I really enjoyed it very much. The plan was to get up and go to Stephen's basketball game and then head out to Jens for the afternoon. I did none of those things.. oh, well I did one, I got up, giggle.

Brian and June woke me up early running around and playing, and I decided, if ya can't beat them, join them.. so I gut up and ran around and played with them. We had fun. When my brother got here to pick up Brian, he decided to finally get his stuff out of our garage, yay!!! Well, instead of just taking all his stuff.. he decided to clean out his boxes and take what he wanted and throw the rest away. My guess is that he had stuff he didn't want Sharon to see. Well since Stephen didn't want to leave him hear alone, he went on to his game without us. By the time Scott was done, it was almost 1. I was still going to go see Jen for the afternoon, but then Stephen called from his mom's house. Seem they decided to have a BBQ for Memorial Day today. Delores and John and the kids were coming in, and everyone else was coming over. Stephen said that if we still wanted to go to Jen's he would understand, but he really sounded hopeful that we would come over there. I felt bad that I had to cancel with Jen at the last minute, but I love family BBQs and I really wanted to go over.

We had the BEST day. I ran and got the stuff to make a pasta salad and fruit salad and then the girls and I headed over. The girls had a lot of fun playing with the other kids and I had a lot of fun just sitting around and talking with my MIL and SILs. We really do enjoy it when the whole family is together. I also got to spend a lot of time holding Katelyn which I totally adored. Delores hands her off to me now whenever she has to go do something for the other kids, and I so love that it's me she hands her off to. I think that this is Delores' first kid that she handed over to me more than anyone else, and I love it, hehe.

It was a great day. We were there until almost 9:30 tonight.. and the girls wanted to stay and spend the night with the other kids, but then Kevin decided he wanted his girls to go home, so I took mine home too. We wanted to watch Episode I with them tonight anyway, cause the plan is to get up tomorrow and take them to see Episode II. Yay, I've been dying to see it.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I am so glad that Jen was so understanding about today. She didn't make me feel bad or guilty or anything.. not one bit. She was totally understanding and cool, and I love her for that. I sooooooooooooo love that we live close enough together, that cancelling a plan or two is not the end of the world, cause we can just do it again, giggle. I am still getting used to having her so close.. I love it.
  2. I am sooooooooooooo tired.. it's been such a long weekend. I don't know if I am going to make it thru the whole movie, but I've seen it thousands of times, so even if I do fall asleep it will be okay.
  3. I can't believe how close it is until we leave for Florida. I started trying on some of my summer stuff today.. and most of my shorts are a little loose, but I think I can get away with still wearing them for a while longer. I do want to pick up a few things for Florida, but I don't want to have to get a whole new wardrobe before we go. Okay, I do want to, but I can't afford to, that's what I should have said, lol.
  4. Nicole today told me that I look like I've lost a lot of weight and that I look great. That's the first time someone in the family (outside of Stephen's mom) has said something outright like that.. I mean, they make little comments and stuff.. but this was a nice one. Especially since I feel like I've been doing so bad lately.
  5. I think the girls and I are going to walk outside tomorrow. I want to exercise since it is Monday, but I don't want to go out to work. I will think of something, I am sure.

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