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A Nice Memorial Day

A Nice Memorial Day...

May 27, 2002

What a nice day we had today, from start to finish. We got up and Stephen made us all a wonderful breakfast. The girls helped him a little bit, but they wouldn't let me help. I made the beds and cleaned the rooms a little instead. It seems like they spent a lot of time cooking and giving me a break this weekend, and that really was so very wonderful. I enjoyed it very much and I am almost sorry to have to go back to work tomorrow.

After breakfast, we goofed around for a bit and then got ready to go to the movies. We walked up to the theatre, which the girls so love doing. We saw Episode II, which we all liked so very much. In fact, tonight both Stephen and I were saying that we want to see it again, giggle. I can't wait for it to come out on video now, lol. We really did have a nice time.

When we got home, I ran to the store to pick up a few things that I needed to get. Chrissy asked me to make her stuffed peppers this weekend (they are one of her favorites), so I decided to make them today. As I started dinner, the girls asked if they could wash my car. Far be it for me to keep them from doing something like that, snicker. Stephen helped them, and they all did a great job. The girls have always loved washing the car, and it was such a beautiful day to do so. After I got dinner going, I ran out to take some pictures of them, and I helped a little bit.

Chuck got there as they were finishing up the car, and we just sat and talked. They are closing on their house tomorrow, and he is still so sure that something is going to go wrong. He has been so stressed out over the whole process, and I know that Sherry will be so happy once it is all over and done, and he can just relax and enjoy it. He is such a goof sometimes. He stayed for dinner with us, and then he and the girls left. I was so very sad to see them go, and I already miss them so much.

I was a little pouty at first, I admit.. so Stephen asked if I wanted to watch TV together, but then I saw that Trading Spaces was on all night, giggle.. so I decided to watch that. I am on my 5th hour of Trading Spaces and I am in heaven. I totally love this show. Now I am pretty tired, and I got used to sleeping a little later over this long weekend, so it's time to get some sleep for me, hehe.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I need to call Sherry and see how she liked Chrissy's dresses. Man, she so couldn't wait to show them to them. She wanted to put them on for Chuck right away, but he told her to wait until they got home, I thought she was going to cry, lol.
  2. Okay, I talked to Sherry, and boy is she crabby. Chuck is driving her nuts about tomorrow. I know she can't wait for it to be all over and done.
  3. The girls are really excited about their new house too.. but June is not so excited about getting her own room, she likes sharing a room with Chrissy. Of course Chrissy is having tons of fun rubbing it in her face how happy she is that she doesn't have to share with her anymore. Ah the joy of childhood.
  4. What a great weekend. Hope everyone else had a nice one as well.. Happy Memorial Day!

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