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Getting Started

Getting Started...

May 28, 2002

Okay, so we are not leaving for Florida for 3 more weeks, but I am starting to get my stuff together for it. Not like I am getting started on packing, but I am starting to look at my clothes and decide what I want to take, so I can see what I still need to get. I definitely knew that I was going to have to get a bathing suit though as the ones I have are too big. Well Stephen says, they are not big, I am just small, which is very kind of him... I am not small, they are just big, lol. I got a new one today, that I thought looked the best on me, but it's still a style that I am not most comfortable in...(it doesn't have an attached skirt or shorts like I like)... I am getting there though. I also found a few real good deals on a overall shorts outfit, and a cute shirt.. so I am getting there. I love packing for trips, but I always take so many outfits with me. I am not a person who can plan what I am going to wear each day... one day, I might like how something looks, and the next hate it.. so I play it by ear.. but that means taking lots, hehe. Jen isn't too happy about that... sorry Jen, giggle.

I so cannot believe that we are leaving for Florida in 3 weeks. It seems like we have been planning this for months. Oh yah, we have been planning this for months. With all the problems we had with it, there were times when I was just so sure that it was going to fall thru and not happen, but we really have stuck with it and worked thru it all, and the trip really is going to be everything we hope and more. It couldn't be more perfect. The only thing that bothers me still is knowing how much I am going to miss Stephen. I really get so very homesick and I have never been away from him for such a long period of time before. It's going to be rough, but I know that I will have such a great time, and that it will go so quickly. Probably too quickly.

So I had a productive day at work today and got tons done.. I thought that things would be getting easy now, and that I would have lots of free time, but not yet.. it seems that I just keep getting more and more busy, but at least it makes the day go by more quickly. I also had a great workout today.. I didn't struggle with it as I have the past few weeks. I am feeling good about it all, yay.

We also had a lot to do after work too. I took Stephen to his mom's to get his car (which he left there when we went Sunday). He stayed to mow their lawn, and I visited for a few minutes, but then I left and came home to get the books that I needed to take back to the library.. I also ran to a few stores to do some shopping. Like I said, I am getting started on all that. I didn't find anything I liked at a few stores, so I went to Kohls, where I have been having lots of luck lately, and walked away with some cute things. I even got some cute stuff for Stephen, giggle. He always says he doesn't need anything, but he is cute when I come back with stuff for him.

Now I am laying around reading my book. I haven't even turned the TV on tonight.. you can tell when it's summer.. I rarely watch TV. I do a lot of reading and other stuff instead.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Stephen wants to play on the computer for a while, so I came to write in here a little earlier so he can. He rarely asks to go on the computer, so I can't complain when he does, can I? giggle.
  2. Sherry and Chuck called today after they closed on their house. I had fun teasing Chuck and telling him that he didn't do enough to ruin it.. lol. He is such a goof, but I am glad that it all worked out for them in the end, and I am happy that they have their house. I am not happy that it is further from me, but I will grow to deal with that part of it all. I can't change it, so I might as well make the most of it right.
  3. Cory just called to tell me that they are running that 9/11 special again.. so maybe I will be watching TV after all, lol. I am in the middle of a really good book though, and haven't been able to drag myself from it since I got home this evening. I think I will go read some more and listen to the TV, hehe.
  4. Have a good night! I am. It's so beautiful out too.. I love this...

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