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No More Pics of the Day
05-25-2004, 9:42 a.m.

I know that I�ve been so bad about updating my journal lately. I have even considered just stopping all together, but the thought makes me sad and I realize that I am not quite ready for that. So I�ve been thinking about it a lot lately, trying to figure out just why I am having such a hard time with updating, and all I can come up with is that it is just so time consuming. I remember when I used to love to do my updates and when it felt strange not to do one, and I would like to get back to being more regular with it, so I have been trying to figure out ways to make it less time consuming and what I�ve come up with is this. No more pics of the day. Now I know that some of you will complain, because you have in times past when I have said that I was going to go that route, but the fact is, it�s just too much work. It takes a lot of time to look for pictures, resize them in 2 different sizes and them upload them all. And when I am in periods of not taking a lot of pictures, it is even harder, because I have to go through older pictures looking for ones to use. I think that I would update a whole lot more often if I didn�t have to worry about finding pictures to use, and so that is where I stand now. I am going to start adding pictures to my entries more often however, as I don�t want to get rid of them totally. I just am not going to have to do it daily anymore.

I have been pretty busy at work, and at home lately, and with getting up to work out in the mornings, I have been going to bed a whole lot earlier too. I really haven�t been getting on the computer from home much, and I hate updating from work because I don�t keep my pictures here, so that will take care of those issues. Plus, looking back at my journal, some of my favorite entries are the ones that contain pictures themselves, and now I will be able to do that a lot more often too. I think it�s going to be a good compromise.

We ended up having a much quieter weekend than anticipated this past weekend. The garage sale in Indiana was cancelled due to bad weather, and so we just stayed home and did nothing the whole weekend. I was going to go spend a day with my mom but she wasn�t feeling so well that day, so I didn�t even do that. It was actually pretty nice to not have anything at all to do. We scrapped a lot and caught up on a lot of soap operas, and pretty much just stayed in our jammies the whole weekend long. I loved it.

Now we are working at getting the house ready, as Tonya�s girls come this Friday. She is just beside herself with excitement, and it is totally contagious. They are going to be with us for a little bit longer than a month, and June is coming to stay as well beginning next week when she gets out of school. It�s going to be a busy, but fun month, filled with a lot of quality time. I am really looking forward to it all.

Another thing I am really looking forward to is dinner tonight. I am meeting up with Cory, and I am really excited. It�s been a while since she and I have gotten together for any sort of quiet time, and I just really need that. Then tomorrow I am meeting Jen for lunch, which is going to be wonderful as well. I just love the times that I get to spend with my friends, although those times have been few and far between lately. I guess that just makes it more special when it works out.

Cory and I are going to Wildfire tonight, and we are both really excited about that. Cory has never been there, and I only have been once, and the food was just wonderful. The atmosphere is just really neat too, and I look forward to having some time to sit and talk for a while. To catch up so to speak. See, it�s not only my journal I need to catch up with, but my friends as well.

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