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A Lazy Lazy Day

A Lazy Lazy Day...

May 27, 2001

Wow, I can't remember the last time that I've had a day where I've just done nothing. It's been so very nice. I slept until a little after 9 this morning, and then got up and watched a movie until Stephen got up. Then we ate breakfast and played cards a little. I worked on a scrapbook page while he watched TV, and then we watched Superman together. We were talking about old movies last week, and how some of them we know that we've seen, probably several times, and yet we can't really remember them. But yet, when you watch them, you go, oh yah, I remember that. Well Superman was one that we talked about, so he had gone and rented it for us. He actually watched it a few times over the past few days, and I tried to watch it with him last night in bed, but I fell asleep moments into it, so it was nice to lay down and watch it this afternoon. Then while he went to go visit his uncle for a few minutes and return the movies and get a few more, I took a nice long bubble bath and read some of my new book (sorry Jen, I wasn't about to get out of the tub to find out who was calling, hehe). How nice it was to just lay there.

Stephen made some cheeseburgers and hotdogs on the grill early on in the day, and we've been eating them all day long, along with so many other things. Man, I am sooooo surprised that I don't have a tummy ache, we've been eating allllll day long. We sit down to eat something, and play a few hands of uno, then get up go do something else, then find our way back to eating and playing uno. What a day!

I also took a nap early this evening. Giggle. I didn't mean to, but it kinda fits in with the rest of this day. I started watching a movie in bed, which is always when I fall asleep, I should know better...but I am not complaining, it's all been heavenly.

After I got up, we ate again, LOL, and played cards some more and then I went to go work on another scrapbook page. I've gotten so many done this weekend, and I love that. Maybe I can even catch up sometime in the next few years at this rate, snicker. Seriously though, I have been getting lots done and that's great. Then Jen called and said she was online, so here I am. Gonna talk to her for a bit, and then go watch Superman 2 with Stephen. LOL.... he rented it for us this evening, as well as a few more movies. Who knows, maybe we can make tomorrow a Lazy Day too... 2 in a row, would I know how to handle it?

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