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Hope I Don't Forget

Hope I Don't Forget...

May 30, 2001

anything for this meeting tomorrow. My boss is a member of a national Pharmacology society, and every year he is instrumental in planning their annual meeting. Which of course means that I do lots of work for it. Not that I am complaining, I get paid extra for all that I do. In fact, I enjoy the work very much. My problem is that for the past few years, the meeting has been held on our campus, and now this year, it's being held elsewhere. See the problem? Well, if I forgot anything, I could just run back to my office and get it, but now I have to make sure that I forget NOTHING. Not only can't I forget anything, but I need to anticipate anything that they might need that they haven't asked for. Okay, so it's a little stressful, but I still enjoy it.

Between this meeting and this grant stuff, I've been pretty busy non-stop. I keep telling myself, it's only a month until the grant is due, and the stress is gone... but then I freak because I realize I only have a month to get all of this done and how are we possibly going to do it all? By the time I leave here each day, I am mentally exhausted. I feel really bad because I've been so lax in keeping up with my email buddies (Sorry Kristen) and also with my email groups in general. In fact, I can't say that I've even read my email in over a week. I just went today and set my groups to no-mail, because seeing all that unread email in my box makes me feel guilty. I know that I should try harder, but heck, there is only so much time in a day.

Last night when I got home from work, I was so worn out. I worked on a scrapbook page while dinner was cooking (BBQ ribs, yum), and then sat down to eat dinner with Stephen. After we ate, I went to go read for a while, and poof, I was out like a light before 7:30. I slept until 11:00 when my brother accidently woke me up, and then read, while Stephen watched a movie until about 12:30-1:00 and went back to sleep. He had to be up early this morning, but he let me sleep and I drove myself into work later. It felt really nice to get all that sleep, and the thing was, I wasn't even so much tired, as I was just exhausted, if that made any sense at all. I never even turned on the computer or anything yesterday at home, which is why I didn't write in my journal yesterday. Awww, and I almost made it thru the whole month without missing an entry. Don't ask me why, but I was so proud of myself for writing every single day, and then I blow it at the end of the month, hehe. Oh well, there is always next month, LOL. It's not like I HAVE to write in here everyday... I just like to. It's fun to go back later and see what I was doing, or how I was feeling.

Okay, back to work, I still have a few things to finish for tomorrow. Gosh, I really hope I don't forget anything...

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