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Everything was Great

Everything was Great...

May 31, 2001

I worried for nothing, the meeting was wonderful. I slept so poorly and worried about not getting up on time, or forgetting this or that, and I woke up with a horrible horrible headache, but I just took a pill, and got ready and headed out. Got there on time, didn't forget anything and everything was great. Oh, and the lunch they served was awesome. It was a choice between filet mignon or broiled salmon with a twice baked potatoe, veggies, iced tea and a huge slice of strawberry cheesecake. Pete helped me run the registration desk, and so we had our lunches delivered right to us. We both had the salmon and it was just so delicious. We were spoiled, hehe.

I guess I prefer it on our campus, but having it elsewhere had it's benefits too. Besides the great lunch, Walt also let me leave at 2 instead of staying until 6. No complaints from me on that. I was home before 3, it was nice. We were supposed to have dinner with Stephen's parents tonight, and I was going to meet Stephen over there, but when he heard that my head was still pounding, he told me to stay home, and he was going to go over himself. I just laid around and read my book and just tried to get rid of my headache. It's pretty much gone now, so that's a good thing... but I am so tired from not getting enough sleep last night. I am going to go lay down and read some more and maybe go to bed early. I wanted to work on my scrapbook, but I would just make mistakes because I am tired, so why bother. There is always tomorrow. Oh wait, we are going to the Sox game tomorrow night, and then Saturday is my dad's graduation and Sunday I am spending the day with my mom. Okay, there is always next week, LOL. Just so long as I don't start getting behind again. Heck, I miss quiet weekends already, and I only had one, LOL.

Walt warned me today that starting tomorrow we really need to start kicking things up on this grant application, so my life is going to be hectic for the next month, at least at work. At least I have vacation time coming in July... I can look forward to that!!! And Jen and Tonya's Visit....coming closer....

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