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One Game Away

One Game Away...

May 31, 2002

One game away from the Calder cup.. that is where the Wolves are after tonight's awesome win! We had the best time at the game, and I am so glad that we went.

It's been a long day, and I feel like it's been two days, lol. I had lots to do at work, so that kept me pretty busy most of the morning, but Stephen did some of my work for me, awwww, so that gave me time to go workout. I had a great workout today.. I was debating not going, but once I got there, it was really good. I had a great week all together, both working out and eating. I hope that I can keep it up until we leave for Florida, that's my goal right now... so I can fit into that bathing suit I bought for the trip. I do feel good this week, and that is what counts.

So anyway, since Stephen helped me with my work in the morning, I didn't have much to do in the afternoon. My boss left about noon, so it was a quiet afternoon for me. At quarter till 3, Stephen came to see what time I wanted to leave for the game, and I jokingly said, now.. let's go home first. He said ok. I was more than thrilled to do it too. I had worn this bra this morning that kills me.. it is an underwire and I don't know why I try to wear it.. okay I do know why, cause it looks so nice.. but it hurts so much.. so I was glad to go home and change. When we got home, we had 2 hours until we had to leave, so I decided to go get my hair trimmed. I have been needing it, and since I had a little time, why not.

Why not.. hmmmmm.. cause she cut toooooo much off, lol. It's just a little shorter than I have been doing lately, but sometimes just that little bit is enough to drive you nuts.. but Stephen really liked it and he said that I will like it in a few days, lol. I think I already do. It just takes some getting used to. It definitely looks much healhier and it is cute.. okay, I like it sorta, giggle.

So we left for the game, and picked up dinner on the way. We got there and bought our tickets for tonight and for Monday night, so we were all set. As we were going to our seats, we ran into a co-worker, which was kinda neat. She said it was her first game, so I was excited for her.

The game was totally totally totally awesome and Stephen and I really enjoyed ourselves and screamed and cheered until we were hoarse. It was awesome though, and they won, and are now one game away from winning the cup. Oh how I hope they win in Monday. I would so love being at the game when they won it.. more than anything, that would just be so dang awesome.

So now it's late, and I am tired, and my throat hurts from yelling so much, but I am happy and content. Stephen and I are going to watch Spaceballs and go to sleep.

Daily Tidbits

  1. At the game, they were showing scores from the Colorado/Detroit game. Sorry your team lost Leslie.. I was really hoping they would win. I thought about you when I saw the score, and I hope that you are not too disappointed.. they had a great season.. but gosh, I hate when my team loses, so I wanted to tell you I was thinking of ya.
  2. Last night, I had to go to get gas in my car. Well, I had on a pair of shorts and a tank top.. and this guy starts flirting with me, staring at my top, lol... okay, my boobs. It was cute to be flirted with.. it's been a lot of years, giggle. Okay, it felt really good. I told Stephen about it as soon as I got home.. and he laughed and said he didn't want to hear these things, lol.
  3. I am going to my mom's tomorrow to spend the day with her. I will probably spend the night there too.. although I hate spending the night away from Stephen knowing that I am going to Florida soon. Still it means alot to my mom, so I guess I can do it.
  4. I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, but I so want to go read the wolves message board first before I go to bed. Man, I can't believe that I only have one hockey game to go to this year. Even if they lose on Monday, they will be playing in Bridgeport, so this is the last home game... No hockey for 4-5 months... whatever will I do, giggle.

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