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Spoiled Rotten

Spoiled Rotten...

June 02, 2002

My parents are so good to me. I really mean that. They are always there when I need them, and I know that they would do anything for me, but more than that.. they are kind and caring, and generous.. and I am very fortunate to have them. I hope that I tell them that enough, but even more, I hope that I am as good to them as they are to me.

I had the best time at my parent's, and I am so glad that I went. Let's see... yesterday morning, I got up and spent a bit with Stephen, cleaning up the house and stuff, and then I got ready to head out. As soon as I got there, my mom wanted to go shopping. Shopping, me? LOL, like I would complain. We had an awesome time, trying on clothes and stuff. My mom was cute, because she kept wanting me to try on 16's as well as 18's and really a few 16's did fit.. a pair of Jeans and a few pairs of shorts. I was totally impressed and excited, and I am glad that she talked me into trying them on. It's funny how some 16s fit, but yet some 18's are still too tight.. clothes are a funny thing. Mom was going to buy me a sun dress for Florida. She really wanted to get me something, because she has been so proud of my weight loss. She is always telling me how proud she is and how great I look, and I just love her for that. It's so good to hear it from her. So anyway, we looked around for a dress, but I just couldn't find one that I liked.. but in our trying on stuff.. I tried on these adorable capri overalls. They were sooooooooo cute, and they look cute on me. So she said she was going to buy them for me instead of the dress, since the thought that I would get more use out of them anyway, and because they did really look cute. Okay, I was totally excited. She ended up buying me two pairs (a denim blue and a really cute aqua pair) and 2 shirts to go under them, and 4 other shirts that are really cute and I can use for work. Okay, she totally spoiled me, and I kept telling her that she didn't have to do that.. but she just loves to. Awwww, it was just so much fun. I loveeeeeeee my new clothes so much.

She also went thru her closets and gave me a bunch of 18s that are too big on her, and that was so cool too. Alot of them are brand new, lol. They are mostly work clothes though, but it is great that I won't have to buy work stuff now for a while. I came home with so much stuff, it's not even funny. She gave me a bunch of adorable sandals too, including a pair of Liz Claiborne ones that I have loved since she bought them. She only wore them once too, so they are brand new. Man, I had so much fun coming home and trying everything on for Stephen, giggle. What a fun day.

Cory came over last night to visit with us, and that was really nice. We sat around and talked and watched some TV and just enjoyed spending time together. It was great. I am so glad she came over. My parents were too :)

Today, I helped my mom clean the cover of her pool off so that they could open the pool. What a chore that was.. man! But I am so glad that I was there to help. We had fun doing it, even if it was a lot of work. Plus, I am glad that I got to do something for her too, she did so much for me this weekend. She wants to paint a few rooms in her house, and I really am going to make sure I am available to help. I love spending time with my mom. It seems like I don't spend as much with her in the Winter, but I get to spend lots with her in the summer. She likes that.

Ohhhhh, guess what? I got my period yesterday!! On my own! I was in shock, I can't remember the last time I got my period on my own.. and the best part, it came exactly 28 days from the last time I got it.. so right on track. I was really so excited about that.. although I hate having it, so I don't know why I am excited, lol. Still, it's a step in the right direction. I just know that the weight loss has something to do with it. So many things to keep me going... if this can help in those areas too, how wonderful that will be.

Daily Tidbits

  1. On my way home from mom's I stopped at Fashion Bug real quick. I have been looking for a bra with those plastic invisible straps that you can wear under tank tops, and I finally found one there. I was so excited. I also got a new pair of the cutest shorts. I had hoped to not have to buy shorts for a while, but all my shorts are just too big on me, so I just have to break down and get new ones.. damn, lol.
  2. The new shorts are white denim with a red, white and blue belt .. I tried them on with a red tank top at home for Stephen, and they are adorable. My mom gave me this adorable white crop sweater that is meshy, and has an american flag on the front. I put that on with the outfit, and it's really soooo cute. I can't wait to wear it.
  3. Stephen had dinner ready for me when I got home. Awwww, that was so sweet, and so yummy too. He is so good to me too, I love him so much. I am going to go cuddle with him in a few and watch some movies. I missed him bunches last night.
  4. I am sooooooooo excited about the Wolves game tomorrow night. I just know it's going to be a wonderful night.
  5. I had to get a new guestbook, because my old one was giving me problems. Now I have an empty one, pout. I hope that people sign it soon, so it's not empty for long. Hint Hint!

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