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Weekend With Sherry
06-01-2003, 9:45 p.m.

This has been such a nice weekend, and I really enjoyed getting to spend most of it with Sherry. Yesterday, they called and asked what we were doing, I told her nothing, at the time, my SIL Sharon and the kids were over visiting, but they were getting ready to leave. So they said that they were going to come over. When they got here, they wanted to hear all about Vegas, and when I was telling them how much fun I had, they said that they would like to go in October when we go.. that would be so cool. Then we talked about the four of us maybe going in August, and lots of other ideas came up from that. We ended up looking online, and found some great deals on cruises, so now we are even talking about taking a cruise together next year. That would totally be cool, and so we are looking into that. Should be insteresting to see what comes from that.

I am going to talk to Laura tomorrow too, and see if her condo in Florida is available at the beginning of August. It's pretty hot then, but we are talking about all going together, Sherry, Chuck, the girls, Stephen and I. We figured, that with four adults, we could just drive and take turns and go straight thru...I dunno, that sounds like a lot to me, but heck, I am game. Chuck was so excited over the idea, he kept saying, please don't be joking.. lol. I would love to go there with them, and to be able to do lots of fun stuff with the girls, especially since we do not have any other real vacation plans this summer. Hopefully it will work out, that would be fun.

Chuck, June and I ended up going to Six Flags last night, and while we got there just a couple hours before they closed, I was able to get my season pass taken care of, and because it was such a crummy day out, there was hardly anyone there, and we were able to go on tons of rides in a short time, including their new roller coaster, Superman. Oh my gosh, that was so totally awesome, and I can't wait to ride it again. When you get in the seat, they turn forward, so that you are laying on your stomach (like you are flying!), oh, it's so neat.

Sherry met us at the Oasis, which is half way home for me... to pick up Chuck and June, so that I didn't have to drive them all the way home, but when she got there, she told me that she needed a favor.. she and Chrissy had gone to visit her dad after we left for Six Flags, and she forgot her purse there, and she wanted to know if I could go pick it up. I did, and since she had to come pick it up from me today, I got to bring June home to spend the night with us too, hehe. What a great deal!

It was pretty late when we got home last night, so we pretty much went right to bed, and when we got up this morning, we got ready and went to Stephen's basketball game. My niece and nephew had baseball games at the same park today too, so we ended up watching some of them, and then hung out at my MILs for a little bit, before June and I had to head back here to meet Sherry. She was in a great mood, and actually wanted to get out and do stuff, so we went out to lunch and then shopping. That was so much fun, esepcially since I cannot remember the last time Sherry and I shopped. They are going to New York in a couple of weeks, so she wanted to get some stuff for that, and I bought June a cute new suitcase to take with her. I also bought June some new training bras and matching panties.. she was so excited, and I loved doing that with her. I can't believe she is growing up so much. I am so glad though that I got to share that with her, and I can't wait to see how cute she looks in her new stuff.

Sherry and June headed out around 5:30, and I ended up taking a small nap. Man, my time has been so off since I got back from Vegas. I am so going to have to work on that. I got up and Stephen and I had dinner and then I went for a walk (since I wasn't able to get to the gym earlier)... it's been such a nice weekend though, and I really have enjoyed it. Hopefully I will be able to get to sleep at a normal time tonight, since it's going to be a long week at work. One good thing, is starting tomorrow (until Labor Day), we have casual Mondays along with our casual Fridays, hehe.. so I get to wear jeans 2 times a week now. Sometimes the small things really are awesome, giggle.

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