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Hanging Out with Mom

Hanging Out with Mom...

June 03, 2001

Today was really nice, just hanging out with mom. My dad had to work, so it was just her and I. We had planned on going to great america for a few hours, we even made it as far as going to buy her season pass, but we never quiet made it all the way there. We kinda shopped instead, giggle. Gotta love shopping, and I especially love shopping with my mom. Shopping is always something that we've done well together, hehe. I think it's mostly because we have the same taste in most things, and always want to go to the same stores. We just have a good time and laugh and enjoy ourselves. We can always go to Great America next time. After all, she does have her pass. I am supposed to remember where she put it too... I hope I do, hehe.

Later on, she drove me to meet Stephen at the Oasis. Stephen had to drive his parents out there to meet his sister Delores. She lives about 2 hours from us, and the Oasis is half way to her house, and only a few minutes from my mom's house. He was glad too, because it meant that he didn't have to drive home by himself. We stopped and got ice cream, yummy and ate it on the way home and just had a really nice conversation. He missed me last night, awwwww. When we got home, I laid down to read my new Danielle Steel book and oops, fell asleep. Oops, I must have been really tired, because I slept about 4 hours. I've been awake for a about an hour and a half now, and you would think that I would be up most of the night, but I am ready to lay down and read again, and hopefully go back to sleep shortly. So much for getting any scrapbooking or housework done this evening. Those were my plans... yah okay!

Dad's graduation was soooo wonderful yesterday. I was so very proud of him. Watching him get his diploma was such a rush. He was so proud of himself, and really excited. I am so glad that I was there to see it. Neither my brother nor my sister even bothered to go. That really pissed me off. I get so tired of their indiference. I just don't get it... how was it that we were raised the same way, and yet they turned out to be selfish, self-centered people? I was so happy to be there for my dad, who has been there for us our whole lives. I couldn't even imagine missing that. Guess that is what makes me different. To me, it was a pleasure, not a chore.

We headed back to their house after the ceremony for a little get together. My mom invited Cory and Jim, and I was so glad that she did. I always love opportunities to get together with Cory and Jim, and my mom just loves Cory too. Sherry and Chuck and the girls came of course, they are family afterall. We all had fun, eating, playing games and just laughing. Cory made the most awesomest cookies too. Hey Cory, make me some moooorrrrrrreeeeee. It was a great evening, and it meant so much to me that they came. My mom had invited my dad's brother, and he never even bothered to call and congratulate my father. I just don't get it. It really just makes me sad. Oh well, he really enjoyed himself last night, and that is what counts. My sister did manage to stay home (she is living with them), to help celebrate, so that was nice. My brother had to work, so he didn't even come to the party, but oh well. I hope he at least called, I forgot to ask. Anyway, so we all had fun playing games and we even played Phase 10, which totally reminded us of our trip to VA. We (Cory and I) were telling my mom and Sherry all about our plans for when Jen and Tonya come here, and I got all excited again thinking about it. It's going to be here before we know it, and we are going to have the best best best time!

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