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A Friends Day
06-03-2003, 10:17 p.m.

I sat down to write in here, and the phone rang, and it was Cory, so I sat and talked to her for the longest time, instead of writing, and that was way cool. I can't remember the last time that we just sat and talked about everything, and nothing, and it was just really very nice. I didn't realize how much I've really missed it until now. She has been having such a hard time with her pregnancy, I don't blame her for never feeling like doing anything, or talking much.. but I missed her, and I am soooooo glad that she is starting to feel better. I started working on some maternity capris for her tonight, and I am so excited about making her some outfits. I can't wait to see how cute she looks in them. It is so amazing that she is almost half way thru this pregnancy.. time really flies so fast. It's so hard to believe that in a couple of months, there will be a new little person who will be so much a part of our lives. I can't wait.

It's been such a great *friend* day, hehe. Jen came out and we went out to lunch together, and she even brought me some yummy presents from the cracker barrell, including some awesome blueberry syrup. Yum, add to that the wonderful coconut syrup that Tonya gave me in Vegas, I would say that it's safe to say that I am going to be having some yummy pancakes this weekend. I really had a wonderful lunch with Jen today though, and I am glad that we make the time to do this as often as we can. I wish it were more often that I got to spend time with my friends, but it's so wonderful when we do get the chance.

I had a lot I wanted to write about tonight, but Stephen wants me to watch the news with him regarding this Sammy Sosa and the corked bat stuff... wow. Chicago baseball is taking lots of hits this year, with this, and with the fans running on the field at the Sox game earlier in the year... shaking my head... eek... lol.

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