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A Good Book

A Good Book...

June 05, 2001

Boy, today was so rainy and icky, that when I got home from work, all I wanted to do was climb in bed and finish reading the awesome book I was reading. It was Danielle Steel's latest, Lone Eagle, and it was awesome. I was only half finished with it, but after spending the last 5 hours in bed with it, I am done. I always get sad to see her books end, I just love all of her characters, and this was no different. I bawled and bawled at the end of the book, and Stephen just laughed at me, LOL. He was cute though, because he usually does not like spending the evening laying in bed.. but tonight he came in here and watched the Sox game while I read. It's been nice, and even though I haven't gotten any of the things that I had planned to do tonight done, I still am not sorry that it turned out this way.

Today was a good day at work, and I got a lot accomplished on the grant. Bossman was even in a better mood, since he seemed to have had a break-through on a hard part of his writing. If it isn't pouring in the morning, he is planning on golfing, so that will give me a sorta break to catch up on some other work that I've been neglecting. That will be nice, to actually be caught up, at least for a few hours, LOL, I have no misconceptions that it will stay that way, at least not until July.

We have finalized some plans for Jen and Tonya's visit and I am pretty excited about that. I can't believe that they are coming in about 5 weeks. It's going to be awesome! We really are going to have a very enjoyable visit.

I was looking online today at digital camera's and I found the one that I want so badly. I am going to save up to get it, but I so wish that I could have it before Jen and Tonya come... It would be so nice... but with the Dells trip and their trip here, I know that I need to think about that stuff first. Stephen said I can use the money that I am getting from doing that meeting stuff at work, but I really wanted to use that to pay for our trips, so that we didn't have to use our other money for that. I mean, I know that I need to wait. I can still dream though... I really want that camera, LOL. I am not always so patient when I really want something. The funny thing is that I rarely spend money on myself, I usually enjoy spending it on other people more, but when I find something I really really want, watch out...LOL, that sounded bad, I really am not that bad... but I would like to have a nice digital camera some day. I get tired of having to borrow my mom's all the time. With as much as I love pictures, and as much as I take them, it's a good investment.

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