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A Different Sort of Day

A Different Sort of Day...

June 06, 2001

Today my boss is golfing, hehe. I love it when he does that. Actually, I am a little surprised that he took the time to do so, with as stressed as he has been about getting this grant done on time, but it is a student group thing, and I think that he felt like he couldn't get out of it... And truthfully, I bet the time away is going to do a world of good. I had tons of stuff to do on the grant this morning, but without him here to keep giving me more, and changing stuff, I got it done, and even have a little time to read email and stuff now. This is the first time that I've gotten to read my email at work in a while, I didn't realize how much I missed that, LOL. Actually, I like being busy, I really do, but every so often we need a day of fun too. So now I am just waiting for him to get back, so that we can get busy again. I really can't wait until this is finished, I guess I am a little worried about it myself. I would rather pace it out, than have a million and half things to do last minute. Maybe I can start on some of these forms on my own, I am sure that there are things in there that I can fill out without his help. That would put me that much ahead of the game... Oh good idea...

Today's weather is cool again, and very foggy. The fog was so thick on the way into work that you could barely see the car in front of you. Stephen totally loves fog, he thinks it is awesome. I like it, as long as I don't have to drive in it. I guess it's a cool thing, especially when you are near an open area and that's all you can see. I just wish that it would warm up. Here it is June and it only feels like March. I hope that it is nice and sunny and warm in July when Jen and Tonya come. We have quite a few outdoor things planned... I hope that it works out.

Delores called me this morning. They really want to plan a small vacation at the end of July, since I can't go to the Dells with everyone in June. We are looking at the Six Flags park in Ohio which is a mega-park, it has 3 parks in one... a theme park, a water park, and a marine-animal park, and we can all get in for free with our Six Flags passes, and yet it would be different and fun. I really do think that would be fun, and hope that it works out (smile). Chrissy and June would love it too, and we already have time off when they are thinking of going, and we already have the girls for that time period as well, so it should work out nicely if everyone else agrees to go. Of course, it will be a few days after Jen and Tonya leave, so I will really have to budget for everything, but it shouldn't be too expensive at all. We wanted to do something with the girls that week anyway, and most of the expense would be the hotel, and Delores said that she had 1/2 price coupons for that so even that shouldn't be so bad. We'll see what happens. One thing at a time, I guess.

My mom wants me to come out and visit her this weekend, and Stephen is saying that he might have to work the whole weekend. I am not sure what I want to do yet. I would like to spend some time with mom, and I would like to be able to see Cory at least a little this weekend too, but at the same time, there is so much stuff that I could be getting done at home too. They are saying it's supposed to be rainy again this weekend (big surprise there), so I just don't know what I want to do yet. I guess it will all come together, it's only Wednesday, LOL.

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